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3.00 Credits
This course on Islam and the Muslim world will introduce you to the tremendous diversity of the Islamic culture and provide you with a working knowledge of the complexities and opportunities of doing business with Muslim countries. Topics include basic beliefs, practices of Islam, social, cultural, and political ideals and institutions of Islam, business risk management in the Middle East, and Islamic economics and finance. An in class discussion format will supplement readings, short analytical papers, and presentations. Understanding those who embrace Islam as a faith and a way of life will help you to become an effective global manager who will deal successfully with the Islamic world.
3.00 Credits
Students learn about the challenges of communication between members of two or more different cultures. Such awareness may lead to an appreciation of cultural differences and to strategies that can enhance personal and organizational functioning and communicating in a multicultural environment.
3.00 Credits
This course is an in-depth analysis of a selected number of important trials that have occurred throughout the history of western civilization, including the trial and execution of Socrates and Jesus Christ, the trial of Galileo, Alfred Dreyfus, Sacco and Vanzetti, John Scopes, Charles II as well as many other persons involved in civil or criminal actions that had impact on historic events. Students will study and analyze a select core of cases studied by the class as a whole, and then each student will select a smaller number of related cases for further analysis as an individual project. Prerequisite: Junior status; HIST3100 or GOVT4100 are recommended.
3.00 Credits
Studies in Film Analysis is a seminar course that will concentrate on the analysis of selected feature films that have a common theme of historical, political or literary significance. Students collectively will view approximately ten related landmark films as class assignments. Individual students will then study and analyze a smaller group of significant related films as research projects apart from the class exercises. Assessment of student learning will take the form of written analyses of the research done by students and oral presentation of their findings and conclusions. Prerequisite: Junior status; HUMN2207 or HUMN2208 recommended.
3.00 Credits
This course will continue to examine ancient cultures from both Western and non-Western traditions. Heroes and heroines, myths, symbols, rituals, religions, and community relationships and roles will be explored. the "gifts" of these ancient cultures, clues for living better in today's world, will be thoroughly discussed.
3.00 Credits
Contemporary Heroes and Their Cultures, will examine, in a timely fashion, the new relationship cultures have with their heroes, and how the culture and the hero shape one another. There is a wealth of heroism in the ever-changing world of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries as well as conflicting views on what the modern hero (and anti-hero) truly represents. New perspectives in the global community allow heroes of today to both reflect and transcend their own culture. It is, indeed, a brave new world to explore in this timely course.
3.00 Credits
The role of religion in society and the world today is a complex one; it is based on different understandings and conceptions of religion itself. All religions, at different times in history, have functioned as catalysts of social transformation. In contemporary society, several positive social and political transformations have been brought about in which religion, religious sentiment, or appeal to religion was a factor. Religion cannot be separated from society or isolated from cultural realities. This course will focus on portraits of peacemakers around the world, past and present, who have made a difference in bringing about positive change and who have been instrumental in resolving conflict through religion. We will examine how religion plays a role in social transformation in places such as El Salvador, Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Sudan, South Africa, Israel, Palestine, and Afghanistan. Students will learn how they, too, can be a positive force for change in their community or world through the example of others and then by completing a service learning project. Documentaries focusing on peacemaking as well as invited guest speakers will be integrated in the course. Prerequisite: SOCI1001, HUMN2450.
3.00 Credits
The basics of drafting will be covered in this class, including symbols, scale, accuracy, lettering, etc. The techniques and principles of drawing three-dimensional objects will be studied through the use of isometric drawings.
3.00 Credits
A presentation of the basics of balance, proportion, scale, texture, and other design elements. The development of several basic floor plans and furniture layouts as they relate to human needs will be a major area of study in this course. Prerequisite: INDS1306.
3.00 Credits
A survey of the history of interiors, furnishings and architectural elements. The styles of Egypt, Greece, Rome, the Middle Ages, the Italian Renaissance, and the Hispanic, French and English (through Chippendale) periods, will be covered. There will be a field trip to the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston to see many of the styles studied. The basics of ceramics and tapestries will also be studied. The student will be required to sketch ten different chair styles in a notebook.
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