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3.00 Credits
Description: This course will explore the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution through reading of case law and real life examples. Students will understand the arguments that exist for persons involved in civil and criminal matters from the Constitution. Prerequisites: PL200 Credit Hours: 3 CR.HR.
3.00 Credits
Description: This course introduces domestic violence law from an interdisciplinary perspective and offers a contemporary view of the criminal justice and paralegal experience with diverse forms of violence and populations. Comprehensive inclusion of violence perpetrated in a variety of gender and age relationships; dating violence; sibling abuse; rape and incest; child and elder abuse and neglect; male battering; lesbian and gay violence; and violence against women. Prerequisites: CJ101 OR PL100 Credit Hours: 3 CR.HR.
3.00 Credits
Description: Cultivating analytical research and writing skills through problem-based learning is the aim of this course. Actual factual situations will be used to hone skills such as : identification of legal issues; research strategy and methodology formulation; use of relevant secondary sources; integration of print sources with non-print sources (electronic databases, CD-ROMs and the Internet); analyzing and synthesizing primary sources that are applicable; critical thinking applications; and writing clearly, concisely, logically and effectively. Skill development in these areas will assist students in their academic course work and prepare them for their professional careers. Prerequisites: PL205 Credit Hours: 3 CR.HR.
3.00 Credits
Description: Study of the nature, development and exclusive nature of worker compensation and concepts. Topics include: arising out of employment, personal injury by accident, disease, employment status, specific inclusions or exemptions, benefits, employee and employer misconduct, third party action, adjective law, conflict of laws, insurance, and relation to other kinds of wage-loss protection. Prerequisites: PL205 AND PL203 Credit Hours: 3 CR.HR.
3.00 Credits
Description: This course is directed at students who choose a legal career, whether as a manager, paralegal, secretary or attorney. The course will inform students of how a law office is managed, rather than how to manage a law office. Students learn: knowledge about the different legal industries/careers; law office functions; essential skills related to internships, job searches, client interviews, witness interviews, expert witness interviews and file preparation and indexing. Prerequisites: PL100 AND PL203 AND PL205 Credit Hours: 3 CR.HR.
3.00 Credits
Description: This course will require a student to serve as an intern with a professional in a work setting that requires and develops both legal knowledge and approaches to problem identification, analysis, and critical thinking. The student will be evaluated by both the internship supervisor and the professional from the work setting. The student is required to be in the work setting for at least 120 hours during the semester. This internship provides students with a unique way to gain real life experience in the legal arena in combination with acquiring course credit. Prerequisites: PL100 AND PL200 AND PL203 AND PL204 AND PL205 AND (College Level=Junior OR College Level=Senior) Credit Hours: 3-9 variable CR.HR.
3.00 Credits
Description: This course is intended to provide the opportunity to offer advanced courses in paralegal studies that would not normally be a part of the Husson curriculum. As such the topics will depend upon the interests of students and faculty. Prerequisites: Credit Hours: 3 CR.HR.
3.00 Credits
Description: A seminar based non-credit course to introduce pre-professional students to the curriculum and profession of Physical Therapy. Prerequisites: Credit Hours: 0 CR.HR.
3.00 Credits
Description: This elective course provides the opportunity to introduce varied topics concerning kinesiology, anatomy, physiology, or physical therapy. This course is for students enrolled in the preprofessional phase of the physical therapy program. Prerequisites: SC121 AND SL121 AND SL122 AND SC122 Credit Hours: 3 CR.HR.
3.00 Credits
Description: An eight week full-time basic physical therapy skills affiliation scheduled in the summer following the first professional year. Designed to provide the learner with competency in the beginning clinical skills of client-therapist interactions, case history development, simple musculoskeletal and functional assessments, application of simple treatment techniques and modalities, participation in the planning and design of treatment program, and basic to intermediate skills in the orthopedic management of peripheral joint dysfunction. Prerequisites: PT550 AND PT515 Credit Hours: 4 CR.HR.
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