Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Preq., CSC 325 equivalent or consent of instructor. Topics include: Introduction to Data Mining (DM), data warehousing, OLAP for DM, data preprocessing, DM primitives, languages and system architecture, mining association rules in large DBMS, Introduction to Computational Bioinformatics (BI), DM for multi-dimensional BI data, image mining and CBIR.
3.00 Credits
Preq., CSC 579 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Topics include: data mining (dm) concept description, classification, clustering, predictive analysis, anomaly detection in data marts, computational analysis of DNAs, DNA sequence analysis using DM techniques, pair-wise alignment techniques, multiple alignment techniques, secondary database searching using multi-dimensional indexing, future trends in DM.
3.00 Credits
Preq., CSC 240. Models of parallel computers, basic communications operations, algorithms for searching, sorting, graph structures, and systolic systems, dynamic programming, performance and scalability of parallel systems.
3.00 Credits
Preq., CSC 240, MATH 415. Parallel implementations of FFT, interpolation, integration, Eigensystems, matrix maximization, ODEs, PDEs.
3.00 Credits
Preq., MATH 414. Finite difference schemes and their accuracy, stability, and convergence. Schemes for parabolic and hyperbolic PDEs. Emphasis on program implementation.
3.00 Credits
Preq., CSC 583 or MATH 574. Finite difference schemes for elliptic PDEs, iterative methods, and introduction to finite element methods and multigrid methods. Emphasis on program implementation.
3.00 Credits
Preq., CSC 345 equivalent or consent of instructor. Study of and development in High Availability and Performace Computing (HAPC) and related fields, combining reading, research, and hands-on-oriented education.
3.00 Credits
Preq., CSC 486 equivalent or consent of instructor. Topics include: advanced pairwise alignment algorithms, protein folding, self assembly, splicing systems, P systems, simulation of cells, and future research directions in biocomputing.
1.00 Credits
Coreq., MEMT 201. Introduction to laboratory testing of aggregates, concrete, asphalt, steel, and other materials used by civil engineers.
3.00 Credits
Preq., MATH 112 or 240. Theory, field measurements, and computation and error analysis associated with land, traverse, and topographic surveys.