Course Criteria
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1.00 Credits
Archery, badminton, cycling, bowling, tennis, track and fi eld, golf, racquetball, wrestling, gymnastics, conditioning, skiing, backpacking, martial arts, aerobics, weight training, jazzercise, billiards, jogging, stretch/fl exibility training. Graded P/F only. Some courses require fees.
1.00 - 2.00 Credits
Folk, social, square, jazz, modern, country swing, and line dances. Graded P/F only. Some courses require fees.
1.00 Credits
Swimming, sailing, canoeing, rafting, fl y and bait casting, sculling, aquatic conditioning, lifesaving, water safety instructor. Graded P/F only. Some courses require fees.
1.00 - 12.00 Credits
Directed Study in Kinesiology
2.00 Credits
General mechanics of game administration and offi ciating football, basketball, softball, baseball, volleyball and/or soccer. Following study of rules and sport specifi c techniques, the student will practice by offi ciating games.
1.00 Credits
An introductory course for students interested in careers in sport administration, coaching, exercise science, personal training, corporate fi tness and wellness, recreation, and physical education teaching. An overview of careers, professional literature and organizations, current issues, philosophy, and history.
1.00 Credits
Personal skill improvement. Survey of drills and techniques. Prepares student to teach tennis and golf in schools and recreation programs. Fee required.
1.00 Credits
Personal skill improvement. Survey of drills and techniques. Prepares student to teach basketball and soccer in schools and recreation programs.
1.00 Credits
Personal skill improvement. Survey of drills and techniques. Prepares the student to teach track and fi eld in schools and recreation programs.
1.00 Credits
Personal skill improvement. Survey of drills and techniques. Prepares student to teach volleyball and softball in schools and recreation programs.