Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Environmental and occupational exposure and control of sound, temperature stress, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. PREREQ: PHYS 111-112.
3.00 Credits
An examination of the absorption, distribution, and excretion of toxicants in humans and the health effects on target organs. Toxicologic evaluation, risk assessment, fate of hazardous substances in the environment and policies for the control of such substances will also be discussed. PREREQ: CHEM 111-112.
3.00 Credits
Methods, design, and practices of controlling environmental and occupational exposures to hazardous air contaminants using the principles of dilution and local exhaust ventilation. PREREQ: PHYS 111-112.
2.00 Credits
Historical, regulatory and technical aspects of hazardous waste management, relating primarily to the requirements of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and the Comprehensive Environmental Reclamation, Compensation, and Liability Act.
3.00 Credits
Various aspects of environmental and health protection law are discussed, including sources of regulatory authority, legal procedures, agency roles, and specific statutes. PREREQ: Upper-division standing or PERM/INST.
3.00 Credits
Chemical, engineering, and management principles of community and industrial air quality control. PREREQ: CHEM 111-112, upper-division standing.
3.00 Credits
Three or more hours of internship per week in a business or governmental agency. The student works within the organization, keeps a record of the experience, and discusses these experiences at a seminar. (Pass/Fail.) PREREQ: Upper-division standing; recommendation of faculty advisor; consent of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Current research and applied studies on emerging environmental and occupational health topics. PREREQ: Upper-division standing.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to the interdisciplinary nature of environmental concepts and issues. Integrates scientific, sociopolitical, and humanistic approaches to the understanding of nature and of how humans interact with the rest of nature. Includes a service learning component.
1.00 Credits
Two semester capstone course that integrates science, policy, and the social sciences to address a real-life problem. Students will identify a problem, gather data, consult with experts, study policy, then recommend a solution. Includes progress reports, oral presentations, and a written final report. PREREQ: BIOL 323, ENVHLTH 450, GEOG 321, and POLS 340, or PERM/INST. For ENVSTD 492: ENVSTD 491.
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