Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
Basic data structures (continued from COMPSCI 225), introduction to design and analysis of algorithms, fundamental algorithms for sequences, sets, graphs and combinatorial problems, introduction to complexity of problems. Examples are drawn from various areas of computer science. PREREQ: COMPSCI 225, MATH 170, and MATH 187, or PERM/INST.
3.00 Credits
Principles of programming languages: design, syntax, semantics, information binding, strings, arithmetic, input/output, recursion and extensibility. PRE/COREQ: COMPSCI 342 or PERM/INST.
3.00 Credits
Topics in artificial intelligence: heuristic search, game playing, rule-based systems, genetic algorithms, and neural networks. Significant project work demonstrating various AI techniques. PREREQ: COMPSCI 225.
4.00 Credits
Introduction to modular arithmetic. The study of: the RSA, El-Gamal, Diffie-Hellman, and Blum-Blum-Shrub public key cryptosystems, authentication and digital signatures, anonymity protocols. Protocol failures for these systems. Crosslisted with COMPSCI 367 and COMPSCI 567; credit may be received for only one of these three courses. PREREQ: MATH 170 and MATH 187.
4.00 Credits
Introduction to groups, fields, polynomial rings and Lucas numbers. The study of: the Elliptic Curve, LUC, and NTRU public keys cryptosystems, authentication and digital signatures, anonymity protocols. Crosslisted with MATH 308 and COMPSCI 368/568; credit may be received for only one of these three courses. PREREQ: MATH 170 and MATH 187.
3.00 Credits
Foundations of database management systems. Database models: relational, object and others. Database design: entity-relationship modeling, logical relational schema design, physical design, functional dependencies and normalization, and database tuning. Database application development using database interfaces embedded in host languages. PREREQ: COMPSCI 342 or PERM/INST.
3.00 Credits
Concepts and implementation of TCP/IP internetworking: link, network, and transport layer protocols. Application layer services. Wireless networking basics. PREREQ: COMPSCI 253 and COMPSCI 342.
3.00 Credits
Models of parallel computation. Fundamental design patterns used in parallel algorithms: partitioning, divide and conquer, software pipelining, synchronous computations and load balancing. Implementation on parallel clusters. Design of parallel systems. PREREQ: COMPSCI 253 and COMPSCI 342 or PERM/INST.
3.00 Credits
Structure of computer systems using processors, memories, input/output (I/O) devices as building blocks. Computer system instruction set design and implementation, including memory hierarchies, microprogramming, pipelining and multiprocessors. Issues and trade-offs involved in the design of computer system architectures with respect to the design of instruction sets. Applications of Hardware Description Languages (HDL) in the design of computer systems. May be taken for either COMPSCI or ECE credit, but not both. PREREQ: COMPSCI 117 or COMPSCI 125, and ECE 332 or PERM/INST.
4.00 Credits
Theory and practice of formal language translation, experience with compiler construction tools under UNIX. Students work on significant projects. PREREQ: COMPSCI 253 and COMPSCI 342 and COMPSCI 354.
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