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3.00 Credits
Also offered as GEOG 3020. Prerequisite: GEOG 1112K or GEOL 1121K or GEOG 1113K or . An overview of global climate change based on changes to the Earth's atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere. This course provides an analysis of past climates in the geologic, biologic, and hydrologic record, the impact of fossil fuel utilization on climate over the last 250 years, and links to ice sheets and oceans. The course examines implications of global climate change on the human population, including diseases and severe weather, as well as biogeography, including the extinction of threatened species.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Two natural science lab courses. The physical, chemical, geological, and biological characteristics of the ocean and the interactions between the hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere.
4.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing, GEOL 1121K and GEOL 1122K, and consent of instructor. An introduction to mineral and rock identification, and the study of the genesis, occurrence, and uses of common minerals and rocks. Laboratory consists of identification of common rocks and minerals.
4.00 Credits
Prerequisites: GEOL 1121K and CHEM 1151K-1152K, or their equivalents, and/or consent of the instructor. The classification, identification, and crystallography of the principal rock-forming minerals, silicate and non-silicate; and the introduction to the use of the petrographic microscope in the study of the crystallography and identification of minerals.
4.00 Credits
Prerequisite: GEOL 3101 and/or consent of instructor. Genesis, classification, and properties of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. Laboratory includes the use of analytical methods, hand specimens, thin-section study with the petrographic microscope, and the macroscopic and microscopic properties of important rock types.
4.00 Credits
Prerequisites: GEOL 1121K and CHEM 1211K. An introduction to basic concepts of crystallography, mineralogy, and clay minerals, stressing environmental uses and applications. Includes mineral systems, analytical techniques, and basic clay surface chemistry. Laboratory exercises focus on practical applications of mineralogy useful to the modern environmental scientist. Weekend field trips required.
3.00 Credits
Also offered as GEOG 3120. Prerequisites: GEOG 1113K or GEOL 1121K. A study of the geology and geography of a selected region during the first week, followed by a two-week field trip to points of interest. The interactions among geology, surficial processes, and organisms and how those interactions impact humans will be emphasized. Field trip destination is different each summer. Student fee required. Offered only during Sumer Session I. Most credit notations on the far right are in the pattern ( 3-0-3). The first number is the number of lecture hours (or equivalent) each week; the second number is the number of laboratory hours (or equivalent) each week; the third number, in bold, is the number of semester hours credit.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing and consent of instructor. Principles of paleontology with emphasis on the history of life including vertebrates. Includes an account of the outstanding forms of life from the beginning of earthtime to the present, and those paleontologically significant groups that are uncommon, different, or extinct today.
4.00 Credits
Also listed as GEOG 3210. Prerequisites: GEOL 1121 or GEOG 1112 and GEOG 1113. An introduction to surface and sub-surface hydrology, examining components of the hydrologic cycle. Topics include local and global water balance, precipitation, interception and infiltration, runoff, stream flow, water storage, and groundwater. This course makes use of some mathematical equations.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: GEOL 1122K or BIOL 2270 or permission of instructor. Identification, classification, and natural history of major groups of invertebrates preserved as fossils in the geologic record, with special attention to those forms commonly encountered in the southeastern United States. Emphasis in laboratory will include taxonomic affinities and functional morphology. Saturday (optional) field trips will be scheduled to local areas of interest.
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