Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: MATH 2150 and MATH 2262, each with a grade of ? ?" or better. Concepts pertaining to neural networks including: definition of neural intelligence, basic neural computational models, learning: supervised and unsupervised, knowledge bases neural networks, back-propagation neural networks, radial basis neural networks.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: CS 3335, CS 3410, and MATH 2150, each with a grade of ? ?" or better. A survey of graphics systems and graphics programming. Topics include output primitives, transformations and viewing, modeling, user interfaces, and interactive methods. Both 2-D and 3-D concepts are discussed.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: CS 3101 and CS 3410, each with a grade of ? ?" or better, and senior standing. A capstone experience intended primarily for computing majors that combines societal, ethical, and legal implications and trends of computing with the development of research and communication skills for the profession. Topics include societal effects of computing, ethics in the field, legal issues, professional literature and organizations, current industrial, social, legal, governmental, and technical developments, research methodology, and career opportunities. Involves extensive reading and writing (both technical and nontechnical), as well as library research, prepared group discussions, and oral presentations.
1.00 Credits
to ( 3-0-3) Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. The student will undertake at least one major computer- science project under the supervision of the instructor. Credit will be assigned on the basis of the effort required by the project. May be taken more than once if topics are different.
1.00 Credits
to ( 3-0-3) Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Topics to be assigned. May be taken more than once if topics are different.
0.00 Credits
Graded "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory ." A required non-credit course for all teacheducation candidates pursuing a VSU recommendation for initial certification; must be success- fully completed prior to admission to teacher education. Candidates are required to establish an electronic portfolio and provide evidence that all teacher education admission requirements have been satisfactorily met. If an "Unsatisfactory" grade is earned, the coursemust be repeated until a "Satisfactory" grade is received.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: CSD 2999. An introduction to communication disorders. Terminology, etiology and management procedures required in the practice of Speech-Language Pathology are emphasized. Public school observation/participation is required.
3.00 Credits
An introduction to basic auditory tests, anatomy and physiology of the hearing mechanism, and disorders of hearing. Emphasis is placed on audiometric measurement and interpretation.
2.00 Credits
Prerequisites: CSD 2999. The study of the anatomy and physiology of the hearing mechanism.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: CSD 2999. Principles of phonetics and their application to typical speech production. Emphasis is placed on skill development in the use of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and diacritic markers.
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