Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
This course will expose students to the genre of fi lm as a contemporary form of literary expression. Course components will include studying the relation of fi lm to literary texts, analyzing the elements of cinema, examining fi lm archetypes and stereotypes, and exploring film's realistic and expressionistic traditions. Prerequisite: ENGL 151 or permission of the instructor.
3.00 Credits
The study of film technique, film production, and narrative fiction are combined in this course. Emphasis is placed on studying the process of adapting short stories, a play, and a novel to the screen by reading the original texts and viewing the fi lms. Students will also adapt a brief excerpt of a piece of fi ction to a short screenplay and have the option of developing this screenplay into a short fi lm. Prerequisite: ENGL 151
3.00 Credits
This course traces the development of cinema in Italy following two decades of fascist domination the chaos of World War II. The emergence of Neo- Realism made Italian cinema one of the most influential movements of contemporary cinema and made the directors associated with the movement, e.g. Rosseline, DeSica, Fellini, Scola, and Taviani, world fi gures in cinema. Code 3 course fee.
3.00 Credits
The student will describe, analyze and evaluate basic principles in the fi eld of fi re protection. Topics include fi re behavior, codes and standards, safety, building design and construction, extinguishing agents and systems, alarm and detection devices and fi re department organization and administration.
3.00 Credits
The student will gain a knowledge of construction principles of basic concern to the fire service. Various types of building construction design criteria and material behavior will be related to expected outcomes in fire service operations. Prerequisite: FIRE 151 or permission of the instructor
3.00 Credits
The student will describe, analyze and evaluate basic management concepts as they apply to the structure and processes of the modern fi re service organization. Emphasis will be placed upon fi re service organizational structure, processes and behaviors, records, management information systems, communications, leadership, public relations and the planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and controlling functions. Prerequisite: FIRE 151
3.00 Credits
The student will describe, analyze and evaluate fi re fi ghting strategy and tactics. Topics to be covered include the action plan, control and coordination, company control considerations and systems planning. Prerequisite: FIRE 151 or permission of the instructor
3.00 Credits
The student will receive a basic foundation in the fundamentals of hazardous materials incident analysis as it relates to fi re service operations. Students will be taught to recognize and to evaluate the hazard potential of commonly used fl ammable, explosive and toxic hazardous materials and to apply their knowledge of catastrophic situation adjustment to fire fighting operations commonly used to hazardous materials incidents. Prerequisite: CHEM 180 or one year of high school chemistry
3.00 Credits
The student will describe, evaluate and apply the basic principles of fi re service hydraulics. Topics presented include fi re pumps, velocity distribution systems, fi re streams, friction loss, insulated devices, alarm systems and automatic sprinkler operations.
3.00 Credits
T h e s t u d e n t w i l l c o n d u c t a comprehensive examination of the fi eld of arson investigation and evaluate its implications for the fi re service. Topics include combustion processes, fuels and accelerants, pyrolysis, investigation procedures and the legal aspects of arson.
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