Course Criteria
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2.00 Credits
(Pre/Corequisites: RTT 111, RTT 112, RTT 113) Introduces students to clinical practice in basic respiratory care procedures. Topics include: introduction to clinical affiliate, medical gas therapy, oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy, incentive spirometry, patient assessment, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
2.00 Credits
(Pre/Corequisite: RTT 209) Continues to develop skills used in the clinical practice. Topics include: medical gas therapy, oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy, incentive spiro metry, and patient assessment.
5.00 Credits
(Prerequisites: RTT 111, RTT 112) Provides students with information concerning assessment of etiology, patho physiology, treatment, and prognosis of common cardio pulmonary, cardiovascular, and pulmonary diseases and conditions. Topics include: infectious diseases and condi tions, respiratory diseases and conditions, neuromuscular diseases and conditions, cardiovascular diseases and conditions, patient assessment, laboratory tests, chest radiographs, and trauma.
5.00 Credits
(Prerequisites: RTT 112, RTT 113) Provides students with knowledge on all phases of adult critical care and contin uous mechanical ventilation. Topics include: mechanical ventilation history, adult critical care, continuous mechanical ventilation, ventilator implementation, ventilation monitoring, ventilator weaning, and ventilator discontinuance.
5.00 Credits
(Prerequisites: RTT 112, RTT 113; Pre/Corequisite: RTT 212) Provides instruction in the theory, set-up, operation, and maintenance of mechanical ventilators and equip ment used to establish and maintain both adult and pediatric airways and emergency airway disorders. Topics include: ventilator operation, ventilator maintenance, emergency airway disorders, adult airway establishment and maintenance, pediatric airway establishment and maintenance, fiber optic bronchoscopy, thoracentesis, chest tube maintenance, arterial blood gas sampling, and noninvasive ventilatory support.
2.00 Credits
(Prerequisites: RTT 112, RTT 113, RTT 193) Provides a study of advanced critical care techniques for hemody namic and noninvasive monitoring. Topics include: arterial pressure monitoring, central venous catheters, pulmonary artery catheters, cardiac output measurement, and noninvasive monitoring techniques.
1.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: RTT 193) Provides knowledge regarding normal and abnormal pulmonary functions. Emphasises performance, interpretation, and evaluation of various pulmonary function studies. Topics include: pulmonary function testing, pulmonary function interpretation, pulmonary function evaluation, blood gas analysis, and Polysomnography.
3.00 Credits
(Prerequisites: RTT 193, RTT 212, RTT 213) Provides concepts on the processes of growth and development related to respiratory care from the fetus to the adolescent. Relates physiologic function to respiratory care assessment. Topics include: fetal growth and development, neonatal growth and development, fetal assessment, neonatal as sessment, neonatal respiratory care, neonatal pathology, pediatric pathology, adolescent assessment, and adolescent respiratory care.
5.00 Credits
(Prerequisites: RTT 212, RTT 213). Review of respiratory therapy as it pertains to the national credential examina tions administered by the NBRC. Emphasizes decision making and problem solving as they relate to clinical respiratory care. Topics include: medical ethics, basic computer literacy, CRTT exam preparation, and RRT exam preparation.
2.00 Credits
(Pre/Corequisite: RTT 210.) Continues development of proficiency levels in skills introduced in Clinical Practices I and II. In addition, intermittent positive pressure breath ing, chest physiotherapy, and airway care are introduced. Case presentations are required to integrate clinical and classroom theory. Topics include: intermittent positive pressure breathing, chest physiotherapy, airway care, medi cal gas therapy, oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy, incentive spirometry, and patient assessment.