Course Criteria
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7.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: RAD 113, RAD 116, RAD 134) Continues introductory student learning experiences in the hospital setting. Emphasis is placed on those procedures discussed in Radiographic Procedures I, II, III, and IV Topics in clude: equipment utilization, exposure techniques, progress toward completion of clinical competencies through participation in and/or observation of routine projections of the body and participation in and/or obser vation of procedures related to the GI, GU, and Biliary systems. Execution of radiographic procedures will be conducted under direct and indirect supervision.
7.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: RAD 117, RAD 135) Provides a hospital setting in which students continue to develop proficiency levels in skills introduced in Radiographic Procedures I, II, III & IV Emphasis is placed on skill improvement through execution of special radiographic procedures and progress toward completion of clinical competencies through par ticipation in and/or observation of routine and special radiographic procedures. Execution of radiographic proce dures will be conducted under direct and indirect supervi sion.
9.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: RAD 120, RAD 136) Provides a hospital setting in which students continue to develop proficiency levels in skills introduced in the Radiographic Procedures classes. Emphasis is placed on skill improvement through execution of radiographic procedures and progress toward completion of clinical competencies through participation in and/or observation of routine and special radiographic procedures. Execution of radiographic procedures will be conducted under direct and indirect supervision.
9.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: RAD 119, RAD 137) Provides students with continued hospital setting work experience through the synthesis of information and procedural instruction provided throughout the program. Emphasis is placed on skill level improvements and final completion of all re-quired clinical competencies through participation in and/ or observation of routine and special radiographic proce dures. Execution of radiographic procedures will be con ducted under direct and indirect supervision.
5.00 Credits
I.C (Prerequisite: Placement by diagnostic testing) Emphasizes the strengthening of fundamental reading competencies. Topics include: vocabulary development, comprehension skills, study skills, and occupational/survival reading.
5.00 Credits
I.C (Prerequisite: RDG 096 with a grade of C or better or placement by diagnostic testing) Emphasizes basic vocabu lary and comprehension skills development. Topics in clude: vocabulary development, comprehension skills development, study skills, test taking techniques, and occupational reading.
5.00 Credits
I.C. (Prerequisite: RDG 097 with a grade of C or better or placement by diagnostic testing) Provides instruction in vocabulary and comprehension skills with emphasis on occupational applications. Topics include: vocabulary development, comprehension skills development, critical reading skills, and study skills.
5.00 Credits
(Prerequisites: BIO 193; BIO 194; CHM 191; MAT 191) Introduces the physiologic and pharmacologic basis of pulmonary and cardiac medications. Focuses on the prepa ration and calculation of dosages and mixtures and general principles of pharmacology. Topics include: drug prepara tion, dosage calculation, mixture preparation, pharmacol ogy principles, bronchoactive drugs, and cardiopulmonary system related drugs.
5.00 Credits
(Corequisite: RTT 112) Provides students with the oppor tunity to gain hands-on experience with basic respiratory therapy equipment. Students perform simulated clinical exercises as well as bedside assessments and cardiopulmo nary resuscitation. Topics include: patient assessment, medical gases, humidity/aerosol therapy, positive pressure breathing, incentive spirometry, postural drainage, percus sion/vibration, and medical ethics.
10.00 Credits
(Prerequisites: BIO 193; BIO 194; MAT 191) Provides an in-depth study of cardiac and pulmonary anatomy and physiology, and the diagnostic procedures commonly used in the hospital to evaluate these systems. Emphasizes the heart-lung relationship and clinical applications of these phenomena in the cardiopulmonary system. Topics include: respiratory function; ventilatory mechanisms; gas transport; laboratory analysis; natural and chemical regula' tion of breathing; circulation, blood flow and pressure, and cardiac function; and renal physiology.
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