Course Criteria
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6.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: Program admission) Introduces the stu dents to the study of image output and assembly. Topics include: safety, basic film assembly, film processing/chemis try, basic multicolor assembly, outputting files, film compo sition and contacting, proofing and plate making, registration methods, and output control (Preflighting), imposition, trapping, color proofing and calibration/quality control.
6.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: Program admission) Focuses on the over view and fundamentals of black and white photo manipu lation and scanning. Topics include: safety, scanning operations, resolution, sizing/scaling, file formats, photo manipulation software, halftone gray scale theory, gray scale, and quality control and calibration. OCR software, file conversion, digital input, digital manipulation, digital output, multitasking, industry production techniques and industry standards/quality control.
4.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: AHS 101; Corequisite: AHS 109) Provides an introduction to blood collecting techniques and pro cessing specimens. Emphasis is placed on the knowledge and skills needed to collect all types of blood samples from hospitalized patients. Topics include: venipuncture proce dure and safety; isolation techniques, venipuncture prob lems, and definitions; lab test profiles, other specimen collections, and patient care areas; test combinations and skin punctures; specimen processing and CPR; profes sional ethics and malpractice; and certification and licen sure.
8.00 Credits
(Prerequisites: AHS 101, AHS 109, PHL 103) Provides work experience in a clinical setting. Emphasis is placed on enhancing skills in venipuncture techniques. Topics in clude: introduction to hospital policies, procedures, and work ethics; routine collections: adult, pediatric, and newborn; and special procedures.
5.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: MAT 101 or MAT 191) This course devel ops knowledge and skills in pharmaceutical calculations procedures. Topics include: systems of measurement, medication dispensing calculations, pharmacy mathemati cal procedures, and calculation tools and techniques.
5.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: Program admission) Provides an overview of the pharmacy technology field and develops the funda mental concepts and principles necessary for successful participation in the pharmacy field. Topics include: safety, orientation to the pharmacy technology field, cardiopul monary resuscitation (CPR), ethics and laws, definitions and terms, and reference sources.
6.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: PHR 100; Corequisite: PHR 105) This course introduces the student to principles of receiving, storing, and dispensing medications. Topics include: pur chasing, packaging, and labeling drugs; pharmacy policies and procedures; distribution systems; documentation; inventory and filing systems; compounding; contamination control; storage and control; pharmacy equipment; and health care organizational structure. This course provides laboratory and clinical practice.
6.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: PHR 101, 102; Corequisite: PHR 105) Continues the development of student knowledge and skills in preparing medication, processing glassware, and maintaining an aseptic environment. Topics include: asep tic and sterile techniques, parenteral admixtures, hyperalimentation, chemotherapy, filtering, disinfecting, contamination, ophthalmic preparations, infection con trol, and quality control.
5.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: PHR 101; Corequisite: AHS 105, PHR 103) The course introduces the students to principles and knowledge about all classifications of medication. Topics include: disease states and treatment modalities, pharma ceutical side effects and drug interactions, control sub stances, specific drugs, and drug addiction and abuse.
7.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: PHR 101, PHR 102; Corequisite: PHR 103) Orients students to the clinical environment and provides experiences with the basic skills necessary for the phar macy technician. Topics include: aseptic and sterile tech niques, storage and control, documentation, inventory, filing, compounding, parenteral admixtutes, filtering, disin fection, medication delivery, and hospital pharmacy tech niques.