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5.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: Program admission level math competency) Emphasizes mathematical concepts found in business situations. Topics include: basic mathematical skills, math ematical skills in business-related problem solving, math ematical information for documents, graphs, and mathematical problems using electronic calculators (not to include the touch method).
5.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: Elementary Algebra ASSET score of 42 or Algebra COMPASS score of 37) This course is designed as an alternative to College Algebra for those students who will not take Trigonometry, Precalculus, or Calculus. It is an applications-driven course that introduces functions using real-world phenomena as models. The major topics include: fundamental concepts of algebra; linear, qua dratic, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions and models of real-world phenomena; systems of equa tions; and additional topics in algebra.
5.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: Elementary Algebra ASSET score of 42 or Algebra COMPASS score of 37) This course emphasizes techniques of problem solving using algebraic concepts. The major topics include: fundamental concepts of alge bra; techniques of solving equations and inequalities; the study of functions and their graphs; systems of equations; and optional topics including sequences, series, and prob ability; and analytic geometry.
5.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: MAT 191 with a C or better) Emphasizes techniques of problem solving using trigonometric con cepts. Topics include: trigonometric functions, properties of trigonometric functions, vectors and triangles, inverse of trigonometric functions/graphing, logarithmic and expo nential functions, and complex numbers.
5.00 Credits
(Pterequisite: MAT 191 with a C or better) This course prepares students for Calculus. The topics discussed in clude an intensive study of polynomial, rational, exponen tial, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions and their graphs. Applications include simple maximum and mini mum problems, exponential growth and decay.
7.00 Credits
(Prerequisites: MCH 115, MCH 116) Provides instruction in advanced techniques of milling machine operations. Emphasis is placed on skill development through labora tory practice. Topics include: vertical milling, horizontal milling, compound angles, and gear cutting.
6.00 Credits
(Pre/Corequisite: MCA 201) Provides instruction in ad vanced techniques of milling machine operations. Empha sis is placed on skill development through laboratory practice. Topics include: indexing, rotary table, boring, facing, turning, and straddle milling.
7.00 Credits
(Prerequisites: MCH 109, MCH 110) Provides instruction in advanced lathe operations and procedures. Emphasis is placed on skill development through laboratory experi ence. Topics include: thread cutting, precision boring, precision knurling and tapers.
6.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: MCH 205) Provides instruction in advanced lathe operations and procedures. Emphasis is placed on skill development through laboratory prac tices. Topics include: eccentric turning, special setup, and tolerance turning.
4.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: MCH 112) Provides instruction in advanced grinding operations and procedures. Emphasis is placed on skill development through laboratory practices. Topics include: surface grinding; cylindrical grinding; tool and cutter grinding; and grinding theory.
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