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5.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: None) Examines the emergence, progress, and problems of the criminal justice system in the United States. Topics include: The American criminal justice system; constitutional limitations; organization of enforce ment, adjudication, and corrections; and career opportu nities and requirements.
5.00 Credits
(Prerequisite; None) Provides an overview of all phases of the American correctional system and practices, including its history, procedures, and objectives. Topics include: history and evolution of correctional facilities; legal and administrative problems; institutional facilities and proce dures; probation parole, and prerelease programs; alterna tive sentencing; rehabilitation; community involvement; and staffing.
5.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: None) Examines the principles of organiza tion and administration and the duties of local and state law enforcement agencies with emphasis on police depart ments. Topics include: history and philosophy of law en forcement; evaluation of administrative practices; problems in American law enforcement agencies; emerg ing concepts; professionalism; and community crime pre vention programs.
5.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: CRJ 101) Introduces the substantive law of major crimes against persons and property. Attention is given to observation of courtroom trials. Topics include: laws of arrest and search and seizure; procedures govern ing arrest, trial, and administration of criminal sanctions; rules of evidence; general court procedures; rights and duties of officers and citizens; and Supreme Court rulings that apply to law enforcement/overview of Constitutional Law.
5.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: Program admission) Provides an orientation to the development, philosophy, responsibility, and func- tion of the Private Security Industry. A historical and philosophical perspective of a private security will help students better understand the present stage of private security, its principles, its legal authority and its effect on society in general. Topics include: Private Security: An Overview; Basic Security Goals and Responsibilities; When Prevention Fails; Security Systems at Work; Putting It All Together, and Challenges Facing the Security Profes sion in the 1990's and beyond.
5.00 Credits
Provides an orientation that focuses on security and shortage protection for small retail businesses with an emphasis placed on vulnerabilities, losses and practical retail business measures- Topics include: retailing and security, legal aspects of retail security, protection at the point of sale, internal losses and countermeasures, shop lifting and countermeasures, investigation of internal losses shoplifting, store design and physical security, and risk management.
5.00 Credits
Designed to aid law enforcement officers to better un derstand and communicate with members of other cul tures with whom they come in contact in the line of duty. Topics include: defining and applying terms related to intercultural attitudes, role-play activities related to intercultural understanding, developing interpersonal/ intercultural communication competence, and develop ment of personal intercultural growth plan.
5.00 Credits
This course presents the knowledge and skills associated with police patrol operations. Emphasis is placed on patrol techniques, crimes in progress, crisis intervention, domestic disputes, disturbance calls, Georgia Crime Information Center procedures, electronics communica tions, and police reports. Topics include: foundations, policing skills, and communication skills.
5.00 Credits
This course explores the managerial aspects of effective and efficient police administration. Emphasis is directed towards increasing organizational skills and overcoming interdepartmental and inter-agency non-communica tion. Topics include: environmental management, human resources, and organizational concerns.
5.00 Credits
This course examines the critical issues involved in the survival of a police officer. Emphasis is placed on conduct ing enforcement raids, managing hostage situations, con trolling hazardous materials spills, search techniques, mechanics of arrest, and levels of force. Topics include: hazardous duty, public safety, and self-protection.
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