Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: COS 103; Corequisites: COS 100, 101, 105, 106, 108, 109) Provides instruction on and application of techniques and theory in the treatment of the skin, scalp, and hair. Emphasis will be placed on work with live mod els. Topics include: implements, products and supplies, corrective hair and scalp treatments, facial procedures and manipulations, safety precautions and treatment theory: electricity and light therapy.
3.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: COS 105; Corequisites: COS 100, 101, 103, 106, 108, 109, 110) Continues the theory and application of hairstyling and introduces thermal techniques. Topics include: blow dry styling, thermal curling, thermal pressing, thermal waving, advanced sets, safety precautions, and artificial hair and augmentation.
3.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: COS 100; Corequisites: COS 101, 103, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111) Provides manicuring and pedicuring experience on live models. Topics include: implements, products and supplies, hand and foot anatomy, diseases and disorders, manicure techniques, pedicure techniques, nail product chemistry, safety precau tions, and advanced nail techniques.
4.00 Credits
(Pre/Corequisites: COS 106, 108, 109,110, 111, 112) Provides laboratory experiences necessary for the develop ment of skill levels required to be a competent cosmetolo gist. The allocation of time to the various phases of cosmetology is prescribed by the Georgia State Board of Cosmetology. This course includes a portion of the hours required for licensure. Topics include: permanent waving and relaxers; hair color and bleaching; skin, scalp, and hair; haircutting and styling; dispensary; manicure/pedicure; receptionist; safety precautions, hazardous duty standards act compliance.
8.00 Credits
(Pre/Corequisite: COS 113) Plus: Advanced styling and shaping; industry concepts; and surviving in the salon (transition from class to employment).
4.00 Credits
(Pre/Corequisites: COS 113, 114) Provides experience necessary for professional development and completion of requirements for state licensure. Emphasis will be placed on the display of professional conduct and positive atti tudes. The appropriate number of applications for comple tion of state board service credit requirements for this course may be met in a laboratory setting or in a combina tion of a laboratory setting and an approved internship facility. Topics include: permanent waving and relaxers; hair color and bleaching; skin, scalp, and hair; haircutting; styling; dispensary; manicure/pedicure; reception; safety precautions; and Hazardous Duty Standards Act compli ance.
5.00 Credits
(Pre/Corequisites: COS 113, COS 114, COS 115) Pro vides experience necessary for professional development and completion of requirements for state licensure. Em phasis will be placed on the display of professional conduct and positive attitudes. The requirements for this course may be met in a laboratory setting or in a combination of a lab setting and an approved internship facility. Topics include: the same as COS 115 along with preparation for state licensure.
4.00 Credits
(Pre/Corequisite: COS 100 and program admission) Em phasizes the steps involved in opening and operating a privately owned cosmetology salon or barber styling shop. Topics include: planning a salon, business management, retailing, public relations, client retention, and sales skills.
7.00 Credits
(Prerequisite: COS 100, COS 112, 117) Provides addi tional experience in manicuring and Pedicuring tech niques required of applicants for state licensure. Emphasis is placed on performance, using live models in an actual or simulated occupational setting. Topics include: manicure, nail repair, artificial nails, pedicure, and advanced and new techniques.
9.00 Credits
(Prerequisites: COS 118) Provides nail care experience on live models. Emphasis will be placed on the display of professional conduct and positive attitudes. The appropri ate number of applications required by the State Board of Cosmetology in theory and service credit requirements for this course. Topics include advanced and new techniques along with HIV and OSILA updates.
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