Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
(3 credits) (160 contact hours of clinical practice) Allows the student to correlate didactic background with the basic patient care in both the college laboratory and healthcare facility under on site supervision of a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant. Pass with a C or better. Prerequisite: PHT 1224C, PHT 1175, PHT 1200, PHT 1200L, PHT 1217, PHT 1217L. Corequisite: PHT 1801L, PHT 2252.
4.00 Credits
(4 credits) (75 contact hours of lecture & lab) Provides advanced study of the nervous system and selected neurological disabilities encountered in PT. Etiology, clinical manifestations, and treatment procedures are discussed. Lab fee. Pass with a C or better. Prerequisite: PHT 1224C, PHT 1217, PHT 1217L, PHT 1801L, PHT 2252. Corequisite: PHT 2931, PHT 2810L, PHT 2220, PHT 2220L.
3.00 Credits
(3 credits) (45 contact hours of lecture) Provides an overview of the biomechanical and neurophysiological basis for application of therapeutic exercises. The functional basis of therapeutic exercise is correlated with specifi c orthopedic, medical, and neurological conditions. Pass with a C or better. Prerequisite: PHT 1175, PHT 1217, PHT 1217L, PHT 1224C, PHT 2252, PHT 1801L. Corequisite: PHT 2220L, PHT 2162, PHT 2931, PHT 2810L.
2.00 Credits
(2 credits) (60 contact hours of lab) Laboratory component to PHT 2220. Provides for practice of neuro-rehabilitation, PNF, NDT, motor learning, isokinetics, and developmental refl exes. Selected orthopedic and neurological treatments are studied. Facilitation and inhibition techniques are practiced. Lab fee. Pass with a C or better. Prerequisite: PHT 1175, PHT 1200, PHTL 1200, PHT 1217, PHTL 1217, PHT 2252, PHTL 1801, PHT 1004, PHT 1224C. Corequisite: PHT 2220, PHT 2162, PHTL 2810, PHT 2931.
4.00 Credits
(4 credits) (75 contact hours of lecture & lab) Provides a basic knowledge of general orthopedics and selected disabilities and conditions encountered in physical therapy practice. Etiology, clinical signs, and treatment procedures are discussed. Lab fee. Pass with a C or better. Prerequisite: PHT 1175, PHT 1224C, PHT 1200, PHT 1200L. Corequisite: PHT 1217L, PHT 1217, PHT 1801L.
3.00 Credits
(3 credits) (160 contact hours of clinical practice) Provides the student with specifi c experiences of more complex therapeutic procedures utilizing patient care plans in the healthcare facilities under supervision of a therapist or physical therapist assistant. Pass with a C or better. Prerequisite: PHT 1217, PHT 1217L, PHT 1801L, PHT 2162, PHT 2220, PHT 2220L, PHT 2252, PHT 2931.
6.00 Credits
(6 credits) (280 contact hours of clinical practice) Allows the student to correlate entire didactic background with more advanced activities in the clinical setting. Student is allowed to perform a wide variety of modalities and procedures on a wide variety of patient conditions under the supervision of a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant. Pass with a C or better. Prerequisite: PHT 2162, PHT 2220, PHT 2220L, PHT 2931.
3.00 Credits
(3 credits) (45 contact hours of lecture) Seminar style class which studies historical development and future directions of the physical therapy profession. Concepts of multidisciplinary team, professional organization, legal and ethical implications, and patient diversity are reviewed and expounded. Pass with a C or better. Prerequisite: PHT 2252, PHT 1217, PHT 1217L, PHT 1801L. Corequisite: PHT 2162, PHT 2220, PHT 2220L, PHT 2810L.
3.00 Credits
(3 credits) GE A study of concepts underlying many principles of physics. Topics include mechanics of moving objects, force systems, lever systems, properties of fl uids, heat, sound, light, electricity, and magnetism. Prerequisite: MAT 1033
5.00 Credits
(5 credits, 4 hours lecture - demonstration, 3 hour lab) GE Mechanics of solids, liquids, gases, heat, and mechanical waves. Laboratory correlated with lectures. Recommended for transfer students in engineering and physical sciences with a cal culus background. Lab fee. Prerequisite: Completion of MAC 2311 with a "C" or better.Corequisite: MAC 2312.