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3.00 Credits
Prequisite: BIO 121. 4 credits formerly BI 104 General Biology II As a continuation of BIO 121, BIO 122 deals with the diversity of the living world, structure, function, ecological relationships and phylogeny of plants and animals. Three hours of class work, three hours of laboratory per week. Lab includes the study of microscope slides and preserved specimens. Representative invertebrates and vertebrates will be dissected.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 101. 4 credits formerly BI 101 General Zoology; offered infrequently Major taxonomic groups of the animal kingdom are studied. Morphology, functional processes, evolutionary relationships and ecology of the various groups are emphasized. Laboratory work encompasses dissection and microscopic examination of appropriate specimens. Three hours of class work, three hours of laboratory per week. Lab includes the study of microscopic slides and preserved specimens. The study of dissected representative vertebrates and invertebrates is required.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 101. 4 credits formerly BI 102 General Botany; offered infrequently A phylogenetic survey of the plant kingdom places emphasis on the structure and function of selected plant forms and on evolutionary relationships. Representative plant types will be used to illustrate the principles in the laboratory. Three hours of class work, three hours of laboratory per week.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: High school chemistry or CHE111, eligibility for ENG 101. 4 credits formerly BI 109 Anatomy and Physiology I This is the first half of a two-semester course which studies the fundamental concepts of human anatomy and physiology. It covers body organization: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous system and the special senses. Three hours of class work, three hours of laboratory per week. Lab includes the study of microscopic slides, models and human bones and the dissection of appropriate organs and animal specimens.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: BIO 211. 4 credits formerly BI 110 Anatomy and Physiology II This course is a continuation of BIO 211. It covers endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. Three hours of class work, three hours of laboratory per week. Lab includes the study of microscopic slides, models and the dissection of appropriate organs and animal specimens.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Eligibility for ENG 101, one semester of college work in both biology and chemistry or BIO 211. 4 credits formerly BI 205 Microbiology This course is an introduction to Microbiology. Topics include microbial morphology, metabolism, genetics, growth and control, infection, immunity and human pathogens. Laboratory work emphasizes bacterial staining techniques, culturing isolation and biochemical reactions. Three hours of class work, three hours of laboratory per week.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: One semester of college biology, eligibility for ENG 101. 4 credits formerly BI 202 Genetics; not offered every year Fundamental principles of enzyme regulated reactions and chemical control of cell functions are studied. Principles related to DNA translation into enzymatically regulated metabolic pathways and how they relate to Mendelian inheritance, population genetics and definition of the gene. Plant, animal and human genetic topics are included. Three hours of class work, three hours of laboratory work per week.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Any 100 level lab science or high school equivalent, eligibility for ENG 101. 4 credits formerly BI 105 Marine Ecology; not offered every year This course is designed to stimulate and advance knowledge of marine environments. It covers geological and chemical factors, classification of marine organisms and the ecology of estuaries, salt marshes, sandy beaches and rocky shores. It also includes animal behavior and how human populations along the shore impact on marine environments. Field trips to facilities such as the Maritime Aquarium, the R.V. Oceanic, and coastal environments give students firsthand knowledge of Long Island Sound. Three hours of class work, three hours of laboratory per week.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: BIO 121 & BIO 122 with a grade of B or better, an interview with the faculty advisor, and departmental approval are required prior to signing up for this course. 3 credits This course includes advanced research participation and laboratory work in various branches of biology. A seminar and final research report are required. This course involves a "hands on" research experience. Theresearch will emphasize the development of independent scientific thought and practice, experimental design, use of the literature, and scientific speaking and writing. 6 hours of laboratory per week, 6 hours of library research per week.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: eligibility for ENG 101. 3 credits formerly BU 112 Principles of Management Focusing on management theory and science and how they apply to managerial practices, this course provides a comprehensive review of the management decision-making process and how it centers around the various functions of management. Case analyses help students to understand how to consider using different approaches to solve management issues.
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