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3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENG 101. 3 credits formerly STA 101 Introduction to Theater This course studies the art of the theater, its literature, structure and aesthetics. Contributions of the playwright, actor, director, designer and producer are examined through individual and group projects and attendance at theatrical performances.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENG 101. 3 credits formerly STA 115 History of Theater I This is the first of two courses in the study of the history of Western theater. It covers the time period from antiquity to the Renaissance. Included will be an examination of Greek, Roman and Medieval theater, as well as the Italian and English Renaissance, the Spanish Golden Age and neoclassical France. The course includes a study of plays, historical documents, contemporary writing and a pictorial overview of theater architecture, costumes and scenic designs. Both the artistic and cultural viewpoints are examined.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: THR 103. 3 credits formerly STA 116 History of Theater II This is the second of two courses in the study of the history of Western theater. This course covers the time period from the English Restoration to contemporary theater. Included will be an examination of the Restoration, comedy of manners, the well-made play, the rise of naturalism, the avant-garde and absurdism. The course includes a study of plays, historical documents, contemporary writing and a pictorial overview of theater architecture, costumes and scenic designs. Both the artistic and cultural viewpoints are examined.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENG 101 and permission of instructor. 3 credits formerly STA 110 The American Musical Stage This cross-disciplinary course examines the American musical theater in terms of its background and styles, its potentialities and achievements, its outstanding contributors and current directions.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 101. 3 credits formerly STA 102 Acting I The course is designed as an introduction to characterization and scene study with exercises designed to free the imagination, body and voice and to enhance and promote concentration and relaxation. One hour of lecture and three hours of studio each week.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 101 and permission of instructor. 1-3 credits formerly STA 136 Theater Practicum I Under the supervision of a theater faculty advisor, students perform production work in areas such as stage management, costume or set construction, lighting or sound technology or additional duties, according to individual interests. Students may earn a total of three credits through theater practicums and must have the instructor's permission prior to registration.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Acting I or permission of instructor. 3 credits formerly STA 202 Acting II A continuation of Acting I, this course offers advanced study in sensory awareness, sense memory and character study for the preparation of a role. Basic vocal and body techniques are employed to explore the psycho-physical action and objectives of characters. Theories of acting are studied and put to practice in laboratory situations. One hour of lecture and three hours of studio each week.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENG 101. 3 credits formerly STA 106 Directing I An introduction to directing, including play analysis, interpretation, casting, blocking and rehearsal procedures. Scenes are directed for the class.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. 3 credits formerly STA 111 Summer Musical Theater Workshop Students learn theater by participating in a theatrical musical production, as cast and production staff. Students will be used according to their desires and abilities. This course may be repeated once for additional credit.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: ENG 101. 3 credits formerly STA 214 Playwriting An analysis of the basic techniques in playwriting, and the reading and criticism of the students' works in progress. Scripts of outstanding merit may be produced at lunchtime theater or other venues.
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