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3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: SOC 101, Eligibility for ENG 101. 3 credits formerly SO 103 American Minorities American society consists of minorities originating in all the continents. This course reviews the history of Native Americans, African-Americans, Asians, Hispanics, and others. It studies the problems and accomplishments of racial, ethnic and religious minorities undergoing assimilation, with the resulting changes in American society and culture.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENG 101. 3 credits formerly SO 208 Death and Dying An in-depth exploration of human emotions, attitudes and behaviors associated with death and dying. Topics include the study of historic and religious foundations, suicide, euthanasia, bereavement, preparations, coping with fear, dealing with children, and theories concerning life after death and reincarnation. The course is designed to provide stimulus for introspection of individual problem areas.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: SOC 101, ENG 101. 3 credits The sociology of education focuses on the external social forces and internal organizational processes that shape schooling. This course begins by analyzing the development of this field of inquiry, tracing its origins to the work of French sociologist Emile Durkheim followed by a range of international and domestic sociological theorists. Rooting the creation of educational institutions within the history of U.S. education, we then consider a wide range of topics. In addition to discussions that center on contemporary issues in education, the course will consider global dimensions and offer a comparative analysis of education wherever applicable. Besides K-12, we will consider developments in higher education with a focus on the expansion of access and lifelong learning.
3.00 Credits
3 credits Spanish for Medical Personnel enables nurses, doctors, clinic and hospital administrators, EMS personnel and home healthcare workers to learn Spanish that will help them communicate effectively in many healthcare situations, including: reception and sign-in; general examinations; the taking of medical histories; discussion of symptoms; delivering a prognosis.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 101. 4 credits formerly SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I This course introduces students to basic Spanish vocabulary and grammar with emphasis on speaking and listening. Students also read simple materials and write brief responses in Spanish. These language patterns and skills are taught within a cultural context and focus on practical applications to daily life. A minimum of one language laboratory hour per week is required. Native speakers of Spanish are not permitted to register for this course without the written permission of the instructor before classes begin. Departmental Exit Examination is required.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: SPA 111 at NCC or equivalent as determined by placement examination. 4 credits formerly SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II In this continuation of SPA 111, students expand their vocabulary, learn more complex grammatical forms, read longer selections and write short paragraphs in Spanish. They continue to develop speaking and listening skills in a cultural context. A minimum of one language laboratory hour per week is required. Native speakers of Spanish are not permitted to register for this course without the written permission of the instructor before classes begin. Departmental Exit Examination is required.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: SPAN 111-112 at NCC or equivalent as determined by placement examination. 3 credits formerly SPAN 155 Spanish Conversation & Composition Based on the structures and conversational situations presented in SPA 111 and 112, this course is designed to develop a higher level of proficiency in aural/oral/written communication. Emphasis is also on reinforcement and enrichment of vocabulary used in a cultural context. A minimum of one language
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Instructor's permission. 3 credits Spanish for Heritage Speakers I, is designed to address the needs of Hispanic/Latino students who can communicate in Spanish but need to develop and/or improve their reading and writing skills. It addresses specific linguistic issues such as diction, orthography and sentence structure. The course is will be conducted in Spanish and includes cultural discussions. Laboratory hour per week is required.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: SPA 112 at NCC or equivalent as determined by placement examination. 3 credits formerly SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I Students develop further expertise in vocabulary and grammatical structures. They read and discuss contemporary works in Spanish and write short essays about these readings. Emphasis is placed on greater proficiency in language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: SPA 201 at NCC or equivalent as determined by placement examination. 3 credits formerly SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II A continuation of SPA 201 with emphasis on more complex language patterns in all skill areas. Course materials emphasize the history, geography, literature and culture of countries where Spanish is spoken.
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