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3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 101. 3 credits formerly RE 104 Recreation Leadership & Supervision Development of leadership and supervision skills and techniques applicable to a variety of recreation areas are covered in this course. Emphasis is placed on students obtaining a practical knowledge of group situations and the principles necessary for effective leadership. Opportunities are afforded to observe recreation leaders in actual leadership and supervisory roles.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in RLS 121. 3 credits formerly RE 204 Programming for Therapeutic Recreation A course of study which includes the principles and practices of program planning for therapeutic recreation. The course covers a wide spectrum of activities designed for special populations including the development, implementation and evaluation of the programs. Intervention techniques related to situations and problems confronting a therapeutic recreator are covered.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 101. 3 credits formerly RE 111 Recreation for the Aging The basic facts and concepts needed to better understand today's aging population are presented as well as the skills and techniques required to develop, plan and administer a comprehensive program of recreation. The course includes field visits, oral presentations, program planning sessions, outside readings and case studies.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C in ENG 101; RLS 129 for the Therapeutic Emphasis; RLS 121 plus 6 credits in other RLS courses. 3 credits formerly RE 210 Field Work II This work experience gives the student continuing practical experience in developing recreational leadership skills. The student should work as a direct leader, with responsibility for planning, conducting and evaluating an activity program. Students will attend field placement seminars over the semester. This course includes 125 hours in the field.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: MAT 136. Corequisite: RSP 141. |3 credits Fall semester only. This course introduces the student to the basic principles of physics applicable to respiratory care. Topics include systems of measurement, fluid dynamics, gas laws, diffusion, pneumatics, heat and electricity. Additionally the course provides a review of basic algebraic operations. 3 hours of class per week.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: RSP 141, RSP 111, BIO 211, CHE 111. Corequisites: RSP 161, BIO 212, RSP 151. 2 credits Spring semester only. The structure and function of the respiratory system and its relationship to the cardiovascular system are studied. Emphasis is placed on the interrelationship of structure and function, including mechanics of respiration, ventilation, tissue metabolism, oxygen transport, perfusion, gas exchange and histology. 2 hours of class per week.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: MAT 136. Corequisites: RSP 111, BIO 211, CHE 111, ENG 101. 4 credits Fall semester only. This course introduces the student to basic principles of Respiratory Care. Technical aspects include medical gas therapy, humidity and aerosol therapy, physical assessment techniques, infection control, and oxygen therapy. The student will also learn about professionalism, cultural diversity in health care and computerized medical documentation. 3 hours of class, 4 hours of laboratory practice and 4 hours of clinical experience per week.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: RSP 111, RSP 141, BIO 211, CHE 111. Corequisites: RSP 120, RSP 161, BIO 212. 3 credits Spring semester only. The etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of respiratory diseases and pulmonary disorders are examined. Clinical signs and symptoms along with diagnosis, complications and therapeutic measures are covered. 3 hours of class per week. The course will use a case study approach for various diseases.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: RSP 141, RSP 111. Corequisite: RSP 120, RSP 151, BIO 212. 5 credits Spring semester only. This course introduces the student to the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures utilized in the hospital to manage patients with abnormalities or dysfunction of the respiratory system. Included in the course are theory and operation of such topics as aerosol therapy, respiratory pharmacology, hyperinflation therapy, and pulmonary function studies with the use of computerized technology. Computerized charting systems are also introduced. 3 hours of class, 4 hours of laboratory practice and 8 hours of clinical experience
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: RSP 281. Corequisites: RSP 272, RSP 292. 2 credits Fall semester only. This course is designed to expose the student to health care settings and issues other than those found in an acute care setting. This course will provide an overview of such topics as smoking cessation, polysomnography, continuous quality improvement, research methods and statistics, and development and implementation of respiratory protocols. 2 hours of class per week.
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