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3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 101. 3 credits formerly PS 204 State and Local Government. not offered every year A concise and current analysis of state and local government functions, the nature of political activity within states and localities and the nature of public policy. Particular attention is paid to Connecticut state government.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 101. 3 credits formerly PS 101 Community Government. not offered every year An introductory course, geared toward the problems of urban living today, with emphasis on the small city, such as those in Fairfield County. The course includes political theory, but emphasis is on the practical aspects of government such as suburban city politics, public safety, planning and land
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 084. 3 credits Study of principles of everyday physics which includes mechanics, heat, light and electricity. Elements of astronomy, celestial bodies and astrobiology investigation for possible life in the universe. 2 hours of class work, 2 hours of laboratory per week.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite or Corequisite: ENG 084. 3 credits This course focuses on personal growth in the areas of self-understanding, constructive action, appropriate decision making. Students will learn how to use psychological theories and concepts to enhance their understanding of their own development, make choices that are personally meaningful, and develop their interpersonal problem-solving skills. This course is not open to students who have already taken PSY 111 - General Psychology I.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: PSY 111. 3 credits This course explores the major influences and effects of group processes, including membership, norms, goals, leadership, problem solving, and decision making. This course provides students with a group experience and emphasizes theoretical analysis of group process.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite or Corequisite: ENG 101. 3 credits This course is the first in a sequence (PSY 112 - General Psychology II is the second) that provides a comprehensive overview of the discipline of psychology. The primary goal of this course is to provide students with a foundation for understanding the physiological and environmental forces that shape human thinking and behavior. Topics include historical perspectives, research techniques, the nervous system, sensation, perception, emotion, learning, motivation, and memory.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: PSY 111. 3 credits This course is the second in a sequence (PSY 111 - General Psychology I is the first) that provides a comprehensive overview of the discipline of psychology, and expands on the analysis of human behavior to include the influence of wider social contexts. Topics may include individual differences, personality theory, human development, behavioral disorders and treatment, and social and group influences.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite PSY 111; PSY 112 recommended. 3 credits This course is a study of human biological, intellectual, emotional, and social development from conception to the beginning of adolescence. In addition to studying the mental processes and behavioral characteristic of children as they age, this course also emphasizes study of the relevant physiological processes, environmental influences, and sociocultural forces that underlie and shape child development, including genetic inheritance, families, schools, and public policy.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite PSY 111; PSY 112 recommended. 3 credits This course provides a comprehensive overview of human development, including the biological, cognitive, emotional, and social changes associated with maturation from infancy to old age,. This course also examines the important physiological processes, environmental influences, and socio-cultural forces that underlie and shape human development across the lifespan, including the roles of genetic inheritance, families, schools, work, and other societal institutions.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite PSY 111; PSY 112 recommended. 3 credits This course is a study of human biological, intellectual, emotional, and social development from early adolescence through early adulthood. In addition to studying the mental processes and behavioral characteristic of adolescents as they age, this course also emphasizes study of the relevant physiological processes, environmental influences, and sociocultural forces that underlie and shape adolescent development, including pubertal changes, families, peers, schools, public policy, and mass media.
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