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3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ART 151 or permission of art coordinator. 3 credits This intermediate course builds upon the painting fundamentals learned in ART 151 Painting I. Through structured studio experiences, lectures, and individual critiques intermediate painting techniques, and principles will be introduced. Projects will be assigned that allow for the development of personal expression within the painting medium. Students are responsible for purchasing supplies.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 101 or permission of art coordinator. 3 credits formerly AR 221 Basic Ceramics Students learn the fundamental concepts, techniques and applications of ceramics including various construction, glazing and firing techniques. Concepts of three-dimensional design, color and surface decoration are explored. Students are responsible for purchasing supplies.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENG 101 or permission of art coordinator. 3 credits formerly AR 201 Contemporary Art in the U.S.A. This course offers a survey of art from the midtwentieth century to the present. A paper, based on direct observation of works in a major museum or assigned gallery visits, is required.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 101 or permission of art coordinator. 3 credits formerly AR 208 Art History: Photography A survey of the history and development of photography from the beginning to the present. Major trends, styles, and photographers are covered. The course will also include political, social and scientific influences on photography and the role of photography in everyday life. A paper based on direct observation of photographs in a major museum and oral report on an established photographer are required.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENG 101. 3 credits formerly AR 202 Art History: Graphic Design, GRA 211 The lecture course focuses on a survey of graphic design from the Industrial Revolution to the present. It locates graphic design within the history of art and articulates its aesthetic import and contributions to cultural development. It examines links between socio-political phenomena and development of advertising and propaganda art, and introduces the student to the works of leading graphic designers, art directors, illustrators, photographers, and typographers. Major styles will be analyzed and compared, and influences identified.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ART 141 or permission of art coordinator. 3 credits formerly AR 257 Photography III: Color This course introduces students to the history, theory and practice of color photography. Students learn the fundamentals of film exposure and color printing. A written report based on direct observation of a photographic exhibit is required. Students are required to provide a manually adjustable camera and other photographic supplies.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Eligibility for ENG 101 or permission of art coordinator. 3 credits In this introductory course, students will learn the fundamentals of photography using digital media. Camera use, exposure controls, scanning and printing are covered. Assignments explore visual and creative problem solving. There will be lectures and critiques at regular intervals. A paper based on direct observation of works in a major museum is required. Students are responsible for providing a manually adjustable digital camera, paper, and other supplies as needed.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ART 250, or both ART 141 and GRA 231, or by permission of art coordinator. 3 credits In this course, students will explore advanced digital imaging techniques, including an introduction to camera RAW. Assignments explore visual creative problem solving. There will be lectures and critiques at regular intervals. A paper based on direct observation of works in a major museum is required. Students are responsible for providing a manually adjustable digital camera, paper, storage devices, and other supplies as needed.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Second-year status, matriculation in an Art curriculum and permission of the art coordinator. 1 credit Under the supervision of an art advisor, students prepare a portfolio demonstrating their skills in a variety of media. While the emphasis of this portfolio will vary according to individual needs, it includes representative samples of work from the core art courses of the student's curriculum. This portfolio may be used for transfer to a four-year art program.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: ENG 101, second-year status, minimum 2.0 GPA, and permission of art coordinator. 3 credits formerly AR 299 Cooperative Education Work Experience This course combines a classroom seminar with on-the-job learning in the visual arts and graphic design. Students work at an approved Cooperative Education site and attend a regularly scheduled seminar on campus. Workplace experience allows students to practice skills taught in class while learning new skills relevant to their area of specialization. The seminar assists in the establishment of learning goals for the work assignment, career development and work-related problem solving. A final project is assigned to document the learning objectives. Students must complete the seminar, final project, and work assignments to receive credit.
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