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3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 101. 3 credits An introduction to music theory, including the development of basic skills in reading and notating music, ear-training, sight-singing and the study of rhythm, melody, scales, keys, intervals and triads. No musical background is required.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 101 or permission of the instructor. 3 credits This course is an introduction to the craft of music composition and writing songs. Using computer software, the students will learn the basics of text setting, melodic, harmonic and rhythmic unity and variety, concepts of dissonance and consonance as well as principles of form. The student will complete two pieces to be presented at the end of the course.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 01. 3 credits A survey of classical music from Gregorian chants to the age of Beethoven. The course traces the development of Medieval and Renaissance music and emphasizes music of the Baroque and Classical eras, particularly Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven. No previous musical training required.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 101. 3 credits An introductory survey of classical music of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Beginning with an introduction to the basic materials of music, the course focuses on the major composers from Schubert to the present, their important works, stylistic and formal traits, and the cultural-historical setting in which their music was created. No previous musical experience is required.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 101. 3 credits For nearly 400 years, opera ruled the scene in Western Europe. Like rock concerts today, it attracted large audiences who were frequently driven into a frenzy by the power of the music. The stories behind the great works are soap operas in themselves, full of intrigue, scandal, and dangerous liaisons. Why was opera such a powerful medium? Why did it fall from grace, and can it survive in the 21st century? Students will become familiar with great composers and their operatic works, and will discover how opera is intimately tied to political, social, and religious movements in Western European history.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENG 084.1 credit This performance-based course focuses on West African Hand Drumming and features other styles from around the world. Through lectures and discussion, we will learn to play a variety of styles of drums and shakers and make music every day. We will look at the cultures and societies of the represented countries and how music illuminates their cultural traits. There will be one or more performance opportunities for the ensemble/class during the term.
3.00 Credits
3 credits An Introductory piano course, presenting simple note values in duple and triple meter, in both F and G clefs. Focuses on the organization of the keyboard. Develops skills in performing major scales and arpeggios, simple five-finger position compositions, and exercises for technique.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor. 1 credit A study through rehearsal and performance of music literature for choir. Emphasis is given to the preparation of major choral works. Opportunities exist for solo and ensemble singing in smaller groups.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Admission to the nursing program Corequisites: BIO 235, PSY 11. 8 credits NUR 101 focuses on concepts basic to nursing practice. Emphasis is placed on application of the nursing process, communication, and skill acquisition. Clinical and laboratory experiences offer opportunities to integrate theoretical principles and demonstrate caring and competence in beginning professional role development. 60 hours theory, 180 hours clinical.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: NUR 101, BIO 235, PSY 111 Corequisites: PSY 201, SOC 101, NUR 103. 8 credits NUR 102 focuses on providing holistic nursing care to families across the lifespan. Students focus on issues that effect the family, including childbearing, childrearing, geriatric care and intermediate health care needs. The medical surgical health problems include care for the client in the peri-operative period, the orthopedic client, and the client experiencing simple genitor-urinary problems. In addition, this course includes selective adult, child and adolescent psychiatric disorders. Students will have clinical rotations that provide experience caring for the childbearing family as well as caring for medical surgical clients across the lifespan. 60 hours theory, 180 hours clinical.
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