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3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: HSE 101, HSE 201. 3 credits spring semester only. formerly HS 212 Family Dynamics Intervention This course will introduce the students to the different types of families in contemporary society. Students will learn about the dynamics within families, including communication patterns and styles and different roles of the family members. Functional and dysfunctional family systems will be compared and contrasted. The role of the human services worker in facilitating family interventions will be integrated throughout the course.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENG 101. 3 credits formerly HS 205 Issues in Mental Health Services This course offers students an opportunity to explore topics specific to the delivery of mental health services in community settings. The course will familiarize students with the conceptual framework of clinical and administrative functions related to direct client care. Community practitioners will be invited to share experiences in order to enable the students to begin integrating the conceptual framework with actual practices.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C in HSE 101, HSE 201. 3 credits fall semester only. formerly HS 120 Field Placement and Seminar I This course places students in a social service agency as a professional human services worker to observe, participate and become familiar with the agency's structure, services and client populations. The student is required to attend 75 hours of field placement in the agency. Field supervisors offer professional weekly supervision. The student is required to attend a weekly seminar to discuss field work experiences and to help the student integrate theory and practical application.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C in HSE 101, HSE 281, HSE 201. 3 credits spring semester only. formerly HS 201 Field Placement and Seminar II This field placement is generally a continuation of Fieldwork and Seminar I and requires 75 hours in the agency over the semester. Under the supervision of an experienced worker, the student develops concrete and supportive skills. There are opportunities for the student to attend human services meetings within the community. A weekly seminar is held to discuss field work experiences and to help the student integrate theory and practical application.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C in HSE 282, HSE 215. Corequisite: HSE 216. 3 credits spring semester only. formerly HS 202 Field Placement and Seminar III The student continues to work in a human services agency in the community, eight hours weekly, for the semester. Under supervision, the student practices skills as a human services worker, is assisted in the development of a professional role identity and is expected to integrate what is learned in the classroom. There is a weekly seminar.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: ENG 101, PSY 111, PSY 105, HSE 134 with a minimum grade of C in each course. 5 credits formerly HS 203 Practicum in Mental Health Students are placed in field placement, for 150 hours during the semester, under the supervision and guidance of selected mental health agencies in the region. Students experience a process of experiential learning which integrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes concurrently being taught in the classroom. Students are required to attend scheduled field work seminars. Only open to students in the Mental Health Certificate Program.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: ENG 101, matriculation and sophomore standing in the Human Services program. Minimum GPA 2.0. Approval of program coordinator. 3 credits formerly HS 299 Cooperative Education Work Experience This course combines a classroom seminar with on-the-job learning. Students who meet program eligibility work at an approved Cooperative Education site and attend a regularly scheduled seminar on campus. The seminar covers the establishment of learning goals for the work assignment, career development and work-related problem-solving. Faculty assign a final project designed to elicit on-the-job learning about human services. Students must satisfactorily complete the seminar, the final project, and the work assignment to receive credit. This course meets the requirement for Field Work and Seminar I or II.
3.00 Credits
3 credits formerly HRM 101 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry This is an introductory course that focuses on the history of the industry with special emphasis on current trends and the analysis of various operations within the industry
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ESL 152 (if applicable). Pre- or Corequisites: ENG 074 and MAT 075 (unless exempt). 3 credits formerly HRM 107 Food Preparation I: Basic Foods A laboratory course designed to develop basic cooking methods and culinary techniques in the production of breakfasts, salads, vegetables, soups, stocks and sauces. Employing standard techniques with special attention to commercial and quantity preparation, students learn to prepare meats, poultry and fish. Tool and equipment use, weights and measures, physical facilities and recipe conversions are discussed and practiced. One hour of class work, four hours of laboratory.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: HSP 101. Pre- or Corequisites: ENG 074 and MAT 121 (unless exempt). 4 credits formerly HRM 204 Food Preparation II: Quantity Food This course offers a continuation and application of the culinary techniques and knowledge acquired in HSP 101 through the planning and preparation of advanced menus. This introduction to food costing menu planning with a focus on purchasing emphasizes storage specifications and production planning. Two hours of class work, four hours of laboratory.
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