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3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: FRE 201 at NCC or equivalent as determined by placement examination. 3 credits formerly FREN 202 Intermediate French II A continuation of FRE 201 with emphasis on more complex language patterns in all skill areas. Course materials emphasize the history, geography, literature and culture of countries where French is spoken.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: FRE 202. 3 credits formerly FREN 210 Advanced Conversation/ Contemporary Issues This intensive course is based on the structures and conversational situations presented in FRE 201 and 202. Daily topics and contemporary issues in French-speaking countries will be emphasized. A minimum of one language laboratory hour per week is required.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 066. Not available to ESL students below the 152 level. 3 credits This first-year student success course addresses issues related to students' transition to college and beyond. Students use a variety of self and career assessment instruments to explore career paths, practice goal setting, and develop plans for achieving their goals. In addition, students review and practice academic success strategies; develop critical thinking abilities as they analyze text materials that reflect the diversity in the college and in society; evaluate their experiences as they relate to learning, selfdevelopment and career exploration. The course also acquaints students with the services available to them at the college.
3.00 Credits
3 credits formerly FTA 101 Introduction to Fire Technology This introductory course reviews the nature and extent of the fire problem in the United States, the characteristics and behavior of fire; the state, regional, national and international organizations having responsibility for fire control and suppression; extinguishing agents; fire protection equipment, and other basic aspects of fire protection technology.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: FTA 112. 3 credits formerly FTA 106 Building Construction Building Construction examines the major types of building construction and their related problems under fire conditions; fire resistance and flame spread test methods.
3.00 Credits
3 credits formerly FTA 108 Fire Prevention & Inspection History and philosophy of fire prevention, organization for fire prevention and inspection, training inspectors, methods of inspection, reports and record keeping, fire prevention education, public relations in inspection work, coordination with government agencies and code administration.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: MAT 175. 3 credits formerly FTA 201 Water Supply and Hydraulics Basic properties of incompressible fluids, static and velocity pressures, flow through orifices, Bernoulli's Theorem, Venturi principle, flow of water in pipes, Reynolds number, Hazen- Williams formula, head calculations, water distribution systems, and pumping problems. Use of Picot tubes and other flow meters, measurement of pressure losses in various pipe and hose line configurations, pumping problems and measurement of flow in water distribution systems.
3.00 Credits
3 credits formerly FTA 203 Codes and Standards Fire and building codes as a means of providing reasonable public safety; the code development and adoption process; code administration; major code producing organizations; national standards with particular concentration on the Life Safety Code of the NFPA and its referenced standards.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: FTA 112. 3 credits formerly FTA 206 Municipal Fire Administration This course includes organization of municipal fire prevention and control services, analyzing needs, master planning, building the organization, distribution of companies, personnel requirements, hiring practices, training, records, work schedules, staff development, labor problems, physical equipment and facilities, and budget preparations.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: FTA 210. 3 credits formerly FTA 208 Extinguishing Systems The course covers wet and dry-pipe automatic sprinklers, both commercial and residential; preaction and deluge systems; water spray and foam systems; standpipes; carbon dioxide, dry chemical and halon extinguishing and explosion suppression systems; use of appropriate NFPA Standards.
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