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3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENG 102. 3 credits formerly EN 208 Masterpieces of World Literature II This course examines representative works of 19th, 20th, and 21st century masterpieces of world literature, including a study of fiction, poetry and drama by writers such as Goethe, Flaubert, Dostoevsky, Ibsen, Kafka, Brecht, Camus, Garcia Marquez, Naipaul, and Coetzee.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENG 102. 3 credits formerly EN 250 Studies in Ethnic Literature This course will introduce students to contemporary literature by minority writers. Through critical engagement with a broad representation of multicultural texts, we will broaden our understanding of how American identity is shaped by globalization.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENG102 or permission of instructor. 3 credits Traditionally, autobiography has been viewed as a direct and true reflection of a person's life. This course is designed around current theories that question that view and posit, instead, autobiography as a construction of self. Through a focus on a diverse cross-section of 20th Century Women's Autobiographies, we will analyze how gender, sexuality, race, class, and location affect what is written and how it is written. We will also ask how are these women's identities shaped by their placement in the text and in society? How do these women use their writing to modify or strengthen the ways that society has positioned them?
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENG 102. 3 credits formerly EN 210 Film and Literature This interdisciplinary course explores what happens when works of literature, such as novels and plays, are adapted for the screen. In analyzing specific literature-to-film adaptation, class discussions focus upon elements common to both art forms (e.g., plot, character, point of view, symbolism and irony) as well as elements exclusive to each (e.g., visual images and music in film). Such discussions are intended to lead students to a deeper understanding of each art form and the interrelationships between them.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENG 180 or permission of the instructor. 3 credits formerly EN 222 Poetry Writing This course is a continuation of work on creative writing skills begun in ENG 180 Introduction to Creative Writing. The focus, however, is exclusively on the techniques of writing poetry. Students will work on their own poems while studying acknowledged masters of the form and discussing such elements of craft as imagery, tone, meter, and rhyme.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENG 180 or permission of the instructor. 3 credits formerly EN 221 Fiction Writing This course is a continuation of work on creative writing skills begun in ENG 180 Introduction to Creative Writing. The focus, however, is exclusively on the techniques of writing fiction. Students will work on their own stories while studying acknowledged masters of the form and discussing such elements of craft as character and conflict, dialogue, and point of view.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENG 180 or permission of the instructor. 3 credits formerly EN 223 Memoir Writing This course is a continuation of work on creative writing skills begun in ENG 180. The focus, however, is exclusively on the techniques of writing the memoir. Students will work on their own memory pieces while studying acknowledged masters of the form and discussing such narrative elements as character and conflict, setting, dialogue, voice, and point of view.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENG 283, or permission of the instructor. 3 credits ENG286 is a continuation of narrative writing skills begun in ENG 283. The focus, however, is exclusively on the techniques of writing extended pieces of fiction (novels/novellas). Students will work on their own manuscripts while participating in peer review workshops and while discussing such elements of the craft as character and conflict, dialogue and point of view, pacing and plot.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENG 283, or permission of the instructor. 3 credits Novel Writing II is a continuation of narrative writing skills begun in ENG 283. The focus, however, is exclusively on the techniques of writing extended pieces of fiction (novels/ novellas). Students will work on their own manuscripts, participate in peer review workshops, and discuss elements of the craft such as character and conflict, dialogue and point of view, pacing and plot.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENG 180 or permission of the instructor. 3 credits This is a workshop course in the creative expression of ideas in creative nonfiction. Creative nonfiction, for the purposes of this course, is defined as nonfiction that uses the elements of story and personal reflection to present and discuss the subject. Types of creative nonfiction that may be covered include the nature essay, literary journalism, the segmented essay, travel writing, adventure essay, or memoir. The class includes reading and workshopping both published essays and student writing, in class exercises, and discussion.
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