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  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite: Appropriate score on placement exam. 6 credits/institutional credit only. formerly CS 093 Foundations for College Study: Reading/Writing This integrated reading/writing course is designed to develop reading comprehension and writing skills. Emphasis is on reading selections from college subject areas, developing and using an academic vocabulary and writing essays. Classroom activities also focus on improving speaking, listening and thinking skills. Word processing is used for revision, and computer classroom time is scheduled. Students are required to complete this course before they are allowed to register for other college courses. Departmental exit assessment in both writing and reading is required.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 066. 3 credits/ Institutional credit only formerly CS 098 Speaking and Listening Skills Students develop an understanding of the principles of oral communication, including the basic elements of pronunciation and sentence patterns used in Standard English. Class assignments and lectures focus on developing, planning, and organizing skills for creating effective oral presentations. Students engage in various speaking and listening activities designed to help them to become effective communicators in typical public, vocational, and academic situations.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite: Appropriate score on placement exam. 3 credits/institutional credit only. formerly CS 090 Basic Reading Skills Using various reading materials from academic subject areas, students develop basic reading comprehension skills. Students may be required to complete this course before they are allowed to register for other college courses. Departmental exit examination required.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Appropriate score on placement exam. 4 credits formerly CS 097 Academic Reading This course is designed to build academic reading skills. Using literature, nonfiction texts, selections from textbooks, and articles in various academic disciplines, such as humanities, social sciences and sciences, students learn to read, comprehend, and derive meaning more efficiently. Emphasis is placed on active reading, vocabulary development, and comprehension on both the literal and inferential levels. Departmental exit assessment is required.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite: Placement determined by college entrance examination, or by referral from ENG 066 with a grade of C- or better, or by referral from ESL Faculty. 4 credits formerly CS 095 Academic Writing This course introduces students to the types of academic writing required in college courses. Appropriate reading selections and/or whole books are used for their content and as effective models. Emphasis is given to developing opinion/ support essays using the writing-asprocess philosophy. Word processing is used for revision, and computer classroom time is scheduled. Students are introduced to library resources and taught how to incorporate citations into their papers. Credit is applicable in selected career and certificate programs only. A portfolio of course work is required.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite: Placement determined by college entrance exam, completion of ENG 084 with a grade of C or better, or by recommendation of ESL faculty. 3 credits formerly EN 101 Composition This course develops students' abilities to write effective essays and to reason critically. A review of grammar and syntax, as needed, is included. The goals of unity, coherence and logical development are pursued through analysis of professional and student essays and through practice of prewriting, writing and revision techniques. Students learn various organizational patterns. Students will write and revise several essays. A portfolio is required. Replaces HUM 1100.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite: ENG 101. 3 credits formerly EN 102 Literature and Composition This composition course is a continuation of work on skills begun in ENG 101. Students receive further instruction in composition and write frequently in and out of class. The analytical and critical essays they produce focus on fiction, drama, and poetry. To prepare for these writing tasks, students learn how to read and appreciate various literary genres, how to interpret literature, and how to explain and support their ideas in writing.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 101. 1 credit formerly EN 106 Grammar for College Writing This ten-week course offers intensive instruction in English grammar as it applies to written discourse. In a workshop setting, students learn to identify parts of speech, sentence structure, and common grammatical errors. Emphasis is placed on building knowledge and skills in the context of actual writing tasks. Graded on a pass/fail basis, the course may be taken alone or in conjunction with other college writing-based courses.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite: ENG 101. 3 credits formerly EN 105 Literature for Children This course presents an overview of children's literature, focusing on picture books, traditional literature and contemporary children's novels and non-fiction. Topics include therelationship of illustration and text and oral interpretation of children's literature. Students read many picture books and several children's novels, apply analytical techniques to write both formal and informal papers, and keep a journal.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite: ENG 101. 3 credits formerly EN 103 African-American Literature The rich contribution of African-American writers to the American literary tradition is the subject of this course. Students read a variety of works such as slave narratives of the nineteenth century, writers from the Harlem Renaissance, and postwar authors such as Richard Wright, Toni Morrison, Ralph Ellison and Alice Walker. This literature is studied in the context of American cultural history.
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