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3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C in ENG 101 and CJS 101, 102 or 105. 3 credits Not offered every semester. An identification and analysis of the diverse ethical issues and value conflicts encountered by law enforcement, court and correctional personnel. Emphasis is placed on the function of personal and professional systems, the myriad factors that influence decision making by criminal justice professionals, and the societal, organizational, and legal consequences of unethical behavior.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C in ENG 101 and CJS 101, CJS 102, or CJS 105. 3 credits Not offered every semester. This course emphasizes the practical aspects of gathering, organizing and preparing written reports and other documents applicable to law enforcement. The course will also focus on conducting witness interviews and interrogation of suspects as well as the intricacies of providing in-court testimony. Students will practice the processes and procedures for creating and completing successful writing in the criminal justice field, make use of the technologies commonly used for research and writing in law enforcement, and learn the convention of evidence, format, usage and documentation in the field.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Permission of Program Coordinator and Cooperative Education Director. 3 credits formerly CJ 299 Cooperative Education Work Experience This course combines a classroom seminar with on-the-job learning. Students who meet program eligibility work at an approved Cooperative Education site and attend a regularly scheduled seminar on campus. The seminar covers the establishment of learning goals for the work assignments, career development and work-related problem solving. Faculty assign a final project designed to elicit on-the-job learning about office administration. Students must satisfactorily complete the seminar, the final project, and the work assignment to receive credit.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in ENG 101 and CJS 101, 102 or 105. 3 credits formerly CJ 214 Issues in Human Relations and Civil Rights This course studies the effects of contemporary trends upon the police, the courts, and the correctional processes. Emphasis will be placed on the problems of reconciling legal and theoretical ideals in various sectors of the criminal justice system with the realities of practice.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in ENG 101 and CJS 103. 3 credits formerly CJ 264 Security Problems Seminar Not offered every semester. This course offers an analysis of special problem areas such as security education and training, community relations, white-collar crime, drug abuse, theft control, shoplifting, institutional security, computer security, document control, protection of classified information, labor problems, civil disturbances, and natural and man-made disasters.
3.00 Credits
3 credits The Athletic Coaching course is divided into three one-credit segments required by the State Board of Education: the principles and practices of coaching adolescents and adolescent sports psychology, medical aspects of coaching adolescents, and the legal and safety aspects of coaching adolescents. Persons who do not hold a valid teaching certificate must successfully complete the threecredit course to be eligible to apply for the State of Connecticut certificate to coach athletic teams in public schools of the state.
1.00 Credits
1 credit formerly CD101 College Forum College Forum is required for all first-time, full-time students. Through a series of advising activities, students will be guided in achieving educational goals, academic excellence, and interpersonal skills. Students will be provided information on career and transfer opportunities, academic procedures, campus regulations, and student rights and responsibilities. This course is designed to ensure contact and continuity as students develop a sense of community with the college. There is no additional cost for this course for full-time students.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 101. 3 credits formerly MC 101 This course introduces students to the roles and practices of mass communication industries in the modern world, with a focus on the impact and influence of print and electronic media, advertising, public relations, on American society. A basic course for communications majors
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Eligibility for Eng 101. Comm 121 (Journalism) recommended but not required. 3 credits In this hands-on course, students join the staff of The Voice, our student-run campus newspaper, contribute writing, photography, editing, and design skills to the publication. The course is open to all students with an interest in writing, graphic and web design, photography, current events and journalism. Participants will learn how a newspaper operates; how to generate, refine, and revise strong story ideas for a student newspaper; how to use photographs and graphics effectively; how editors oversee the publication; and how layout, design and production interrelate to create the final product. Working as a team to create a realistic newsroom experience, students will receive individual attention and coaching and will develop a clearer sense of how newspapers and related media function.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 101 and keyboarding proficiency. 3 credits formerly MC 110 Journalism (COM 121) is an introductory course covering basic skills in writing, reporting and editing news. Course material also includes the ethical issues and commercial pressures that shape the news, and relevant discussion of current events. Because writing is an essential skill for journalists in all media, coursework includes grammar, and written assignments are emphasized. In-class discussion and critique of student writing will also be an important part of the course.
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