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3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Some drafting experience. Corequisite: ARC 105. 3 credits Drafting techniques using computer and the latest version of AutoCAD. Architectural setup of drawings, layering systems, floor plans and elevations drawn with computer, including walls, doors, windows, furniture, notes, dimensioning. Drawing manipulation with blocks, printing. 2 hours lecture; 2 hours of laboratory.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: CAD 114 or some drafting experience. 3 credits This course will cover the use of 3-D application software for the creation of model design. Revit architectural software will be used in this course. Topics include creation of architectural floor plans, the basics of creating 3-D walls, wall styles, wall modifier styles and object display control. Creating mass models, commercial structures and 3-D walkthroughs using the camera will also be covered. 2 hours lecture; 2 hours of laboratory.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 101, MAT 136. 3 credits The objective of this course is to give the student a basic understanding of Computer Aided Drafting using the latest version of AutoCAD. The student will learn drafting fundamentals for engineering through projects from various technical disciplines. Topics include drawing setup, text, dimensioning, layering systems, blocks, printing and plotting, orthographic and isometric views as well as an introduction to 3-D solid modeling. Upon finishing this course, students should be able to prepare drawings in their own engineering disciplines. 1 hour lecture; 4 hours of laboratory.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: CAD 114 or CAD 133. 3 credits Three-dimensional drafting and design techniques using the latest AutoCAD version. Use of UCS and WCS for generating wire meshes, solids, 3-D plines, hatching. Hidden lines removal and true perspectives. Introduction to shading and rendering. Printing of perspectives. 2 hours lecture; 2 hours of laboratory.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: CAD 114 and/or CAD 116 or permission of the instructor. Knowledge of AutoCAD is needed for those wanting to render and animate AutoCAD drawings. 3 credits formerly, and also known as, CAD 240 Studio VIZ This course covers the 3D Studio MAX software used by architects, artists, engineers, designers, medical and forensic experts as a modeling and presentation tool. Topics include the creation and editing of three-dimensional geometry using primitives, lofting, and existing 3D AutoCAD objects. Students will learn how to present their ideas through images, 3D models, and animations. 2 hours lecture; 4 hours of laboratory.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 101; one year of high school Algebra or MAT 094. 4 credits formerly CH 100 Concepts of Chemistry This course includes a brief but comprehensive survey of chemistry. Topics include atomic structure, chemical bonding, stoichiometry, periodic table, properties of matter, solutions, acids, bases, salts, gas laws and organic compounds. Recommended as prerequisite for CHE 112. 3 hours of class work, 3 hours of laboratory per week.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: CHE 111 or one year of high school chemistry. 4 credits formerly CH 121 Introductory Biochemistry Sequel to Concepts of Chemistry, CHE 111. This course is a survey of organic and biological chemistry. Topics include structure, nomenclature and reactions characteristic of various classes of organic compounds as they relate to the chemistry within living systems. Topics in biochemistry include the study of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids and metabolism. Laboratory work reinforces the lecture concepts. Fulfills open, liberal arts, and, with CHE 111, laboratory sequence electives. This course will receive transfer credit to any major nursing college. Three hours of class work, three hours of laboratory per week.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 101; two years of high school algebra or MAT 136; high school chemistry or CHE 111. 4 credits formerly CH 101 General Chemistry I The course is designed to provide a basis for more advanced work in science, the general approach being theoretical and mathematical. Descriptive material is used in illustration. Some of the topics include atomic structure, formulas and equation calculations, periodicity, bonding and states of matter. 3 hours of class work, 3 hours of laboratory per week. This is the first half of a two-semester sequence.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: CHE 121. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 172. 4 credits formerly CH 102 General Chemistry II This course is a continuation of CHE 121. The topics include equilibria, kinetics, solubility, acids and bases, complex ions, electrochemistry, nuclear chemistry and organic chemistry. Calculations will be stressed. Laboratory work illustrates principles while dealing with quantitative interpretation of data. 3 hours of class work, 3 hours of laboratory per week.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: CHE 122. 4 credits formerly CH 201 Organic Chemistry I Designed for science, engineering and premedical majors. Topics include nomenclature, structure, properties, synthesis and reaction mechanisms of different classes of organic compounds. Laboratory work involves an introduction to current microscale organic techniques and the preparation and properties of representative compounds. Fulfills open, liberal arts and, with CHE 212, laboratory science electives. Three hours of class work, three hours of laboratory per week.
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