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3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Keyboarding knowledge. Corequisite: BOT 111 Keyboarding for Information Processing I. 3 credits this course is offered FALL semester only; formerly BOT 110 Business Practices & Technology This course covers work duties that will be broader in scope and more demanding in nature as the information age provides increased technological means of performing work. In a world in which the virtual office is a reality (performing work in any place at any time), you will probably work more independently than ever before. However, coupled with this independence is constant communication through various methods including the Internet, e-mail, and voice messaging. Course modules include General Office Procedures and Techniques, Business Technology Trouble- Shooting, Internet Research, Speedwriting Shorthand Development, Machine Transcription of Business, Legal and Medical correspondence, and Legal Documents applications. The student will present a PowerPoint presentation on a business related topic, write the script, as well as setup the technical equipment. The student will create a portfolio of files that demonstrates their knowledge of the course. Successful completion of this course prepares students to use several software programs in the business environment.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: eligibility for ENG 101. 3 credits this course is offered FALL semester only. formerly BOT 120 Business Computing Concepts Gain confidence using computers in a business environment. This course prepares students with little or no computing knowledge for courses such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Access. It also benefits students who have already taken these courses but need more experience using hardware, software and electronic files in the business world. This course begins with the basics about managing hardware such as the input devices, storage devices and printers and then covers software including the Windows environment, file management, utilities, trouble-shooting and other important topics. Real-world business situations are stressed throughout.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: eligibility for ENG 101. 3 credits formerly BOTM 106 Medical Terminology This course contains Medical Terminology and Anatomy and Physiology. In this course, students learn the basic structure and functions of the human body and become familiar with common diseases and disorders. The prefixes, roots and suffixes which comprise medical terminology are covered, and that terminology is applied to the body systems studied.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Keyboarding knowledge. 3 credits this is an online course only. formerly BOT 201 Word for Business This course uses Word to create letters, memos, fax covers, reports, newsletters, mailing labels, brochures, tables and many other forms of business correspondence. Word has the flexibility to share data and tools with Excel, PowerPoint, Access and other Windows applications including Outlook for e-mail. Each student will develop a portfolio of documents covering the core concepts of Word during the course. Students will be using the Internet in class as a research tool and to e-mail documents.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Successful completion of at least one other computer course and eligibility for ENG 101. 3 credits formerly BOT 203 Excel for Business This course introduces spreadsheet application software. Students learn the uses of spreadsheets through extensive hands-on experience. Topics covered include using formulas, working with multiple spreadsheets, creating charts and graphs, working with ranges and what-if analysis, using macros and working with database tables. Also included are the advanced features of managing and creating templates, pivot tables, financial and statistical functions, consolidations, auditing and documentation. Each student will develop a portfolio of Excel documents covering the core concepts of Excel 2002 during the course of the semester.
3.00 Credits
3 credits formerly BOT 205 PowerPoint & Publisher for Business This course provides in-depth coverage of these two popular programs. Students learn to develop compelling multimedia slideshows in PowerPoint and learn to create attractive and informative printed materials, such as flyers and brochures, with Publisher. Both programs integrate the use of text and graphic art including Clip Art, WordArt, tables, graphs and organization charts. The student will create a portfolio of files that demonstrates their knowledge of the subject matter. Successful completion of this course prepares students to use both programs in a business environment.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Successful completion of at least one other computer course, and eligibility for ENG 101. 3 credits this course is offered SPRING semester only; formerly BOT 202 Access & Crystal Reports for Business This course covers introductory through intermediate level features and functions of Access and Crystal Reports. Students learn to design and build simple Access databases from scratch, but emphasis is placed on creating forms and reports for large, existing databases, as is typically required in the corporate world. Access is followed by Crystal Reports, which is used to create reports for many database programs including Oracle. Crystal Reports is the most popular reportwriting program. The student will create a portfolio of files that demonstrates their knowledge of the subject matter. Successful completion of this course prepares students to use both programs in a business environment.
3.00 Credits
Corequisite: BOT 180 Medical Terminology. 3 credits formerly BOTM 108 Medical Office Practices & Insurance Reimbursement This course will cover the clerical and administrative skills necessary to work effectively in a private physician's office, a multi-specialty clinic, or a hospital setting. These skills include maintaining patients' medical records including color-coding filing will also be discussed. This course will cover important issues regarding healthcare today. They are healthcare reform, the changing skills required for success and the computerization of medical offices with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). This course will introduce the student to the major medical insurance programs used in physician offices and give a basic knowledge of the national diagnostic and procedural coding systems. The student will be introduced to the encounter form, the CMS-1500 form, the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) form, and other forms used by the medical staff in physician offices today.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: BOT 180 Medical Terminology. 3 credits formerly BOTM 205 Medical Office Coding & Computerized Billing This course encompasses most aspects of the fundamentals of the Official Coding and Reporting Guidelines used by providers to facilitate payment of health services. Students access the Internet to research and apply coding concepts and conventions of ICD-9, CPT and CCI edits as they review actual medical records. A hand on experience is provided with current Windows application medical practice management software.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Permission of Program Coordinator and Cooperative Education Office. 3 credits formerly BOT 299 Cooperative Education Work Experience This course combines a classroom seminar with on-the-job learning. Students who meet program eligibility work at an approved Cooperative Education site and attend a regularly scheduled seminar on campus. The seminar covers the establishment of learning goals for the work assignments, career development and work-related problem solving. Faculty assign a final project designed to elicit on-the-job learning about office administration. Students must satisfactorily complete the seminar, the final project, and the work assignment to receive credit.
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