Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Lect. Basic principles and techniques of quantum mechanics with applications to questions of chemical interest. Quantum dynamics of atoms, molecules, and spin; electronic structure of atoms and molecules. Prereqs., two semesters of physical chemistry and graduate standing, or instructor consent.
3.00 Credits
Lect. Rotational, vibrational, and electronic spectra of molecules, and their interpretation in terms of the quantum theory of molecular structure. Prereqs., two semesters of physical chemistry and graduate standing, or instructor consent.
3.00 Credits
Discuss recent literature concerning biophysical studies of macromolecular structure and mechanism, including DNA, RNA, proteins, and their interactions. Approved for credit toward Molecular Biophysics Certificate. Prereqs., one year of physical chemistry or quantum mechanics, one year of biology, graduate standing, or instructor consent.
3.00 Credits
Lect. Same lectures as CHEM 4711. Course work includes library studies and preparation of special reports. Not open to undergraduates. Prereq., one year of organic chemistry and graduate standing.
3.00 Credits
Lect. Same lectures as CHEM 4731. Course work includes library studies and report preparations. Not open to undergraduates. Prereqs., CHEM 5711 and graduate standing, or instructor consent.
3.00 Credits
Prereq., instructor consent required. Same as CHEM 4751.
5.00 Credits
Lect. In-depth analysis of DNA structure and replication, RNA synthesis and processing, protein synthesis, enzyme function and mechanism, protein structure, protein dynamics, and physical chemistry of macromolecules. Intended as a comprehensive treatment of areas central to modern biochemistry for entering graduate students. Prereq., CHEM 4731 or equivalent, and graduate standing, or instructor consent.
1.00 Credits
Lect. Advanced discussion of topics in scientific ethics, including requirements for responsible conduct of research, case histories of fraud, research misconduct, ethical misconduct, and development of professional values and ethical standards. Prereqs., CHEM 5771 or MCDB 5210 taken concurrently, and instructor consent. Same as MCDB 5776.
5.00 Credits
Lect. Detailed consideration of contemporary topics in biochemistry, including protein structure (primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary), methods of structure determination and prediction, protein folding (kinetics, thermodynamics, denaturation, and renaturation), and protein dynamics (internal motions and methods of analysis). Prereq., CHEM 5771 or instructor consent.
3.00 Credits
Same as CHEM 4791.
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