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3.00 Credits
Lect. Surveys synthetic transformations emphasizing important functional group transformations and carbon-carbon, bond-forming reactions. Required of all organic chemistry graduate students. Prereq., one year of organic chemistry.
3.00 Credits
Lect. Modern concepts of physical organic chemistry and their use in interpreting data in terms of mechanisms of organic reactions and reactivities of organic compounds. Required of all organic chemistry graduate students. Prereqs., one year of organic chemistry and one year of physical chemistry.
2.00 - 3.00 Credits
Lect. Advanced spectroscopic techniques for structure and determination in organic chemistry. Emphasizes proton and carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy. Prereqs., one year of organic chemistry and one year of physical chemistry.
3.00 Credits
Develop knowledge base and skills in the interdisciplinary field of chemical biology, including aspects of chemistry and biology, and integrating both with respect to hierarchical levels of structure (atomic, molecular, cellular). Students will receive training that helps to develop their careers in biotech, pharmaceutical, and other research-oriented industries as well as in academia. Prereqs., introductory organic chemistry and general biochemistry.
3.00 Credits
Lect. Introduces thermodynamics and kinetics, emphasizing macromolecules and biochemical applications. Intended for biology graduate students. Not open to students in chemistry or other physical sciences. Prereqs., three semesters of calculus, one year of physics, and instructor consent or graduate standing. Same as CHEM 4411. Credit not granted for this course and CHEM 4411 or CHEM 4511.
3.00 Credits
Lect. Principles of physical chemistry (second semester) for graduate students in biology. Not open to students of chemistry or the physical sciences. Prereqs., graduate standing and CHEM 5411, or instructor consent. Credit not granted for this course and CHEM 4531. Same as CHEM 4531.
3.00 Credits
Lect. Fundamental concepts of quantum and classical statistical mechanics. Applications to properties of gases, liquids, solids, spin, and polymer systems. Reaction, fluctuation, nucleation, and relaxation phenomena. Prereq., undergraduate physical chemistry.
3.00 Credits
Lect. Discussion of mechanism and rate of chemical reactions from a fundamental point of view. Discusses nature of collision and develops concepts of cross section and rate constant. Theories of elementary bimolecular and decay processes are critically examined. Prereq., undergraduate physical chemistry.
3.00 Credits
Lect. Discusses techniques used to determine structure, function, and dynamics of macromolecules, including optical spectroscopy, magnetic resonance, diffraction, and scanning microscopy. Approved for credit toward molecular biophysics certificate. Prereq., one year physical chemistry or quantum mechanics with graduate standing or instructor consent.
3.00 Credits
Lect. Principles of surface science with emphasis on fundamental surface phenomena, surface techniques, and surface chemistry. Basic description of surfaces, adsorbate-surface interactions, surface kinetics, and methods of surface analysis. Surface science of interactions, surface kinetics, and methods of surface analysis. Surface science of heterogeneous catalysis, semiconductor processing, and environmental interfaces. Prereqs., undergraduate physical chemistry and graduate standing or instructor consent.
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