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3.00 Credits
Lect. Chemical thermodynamics and kinetics. Includes study of laws of thermodynamics, thermochemistry, entropy, free energy, chemical potential, chemical equilibriums, and the rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions. Prereqs., CHEM 3311 or 3351, MATH 2400 or APPM 2350, and PHYS 1110 (all min grade C-) or instructor consent. Coreq., PHYS 1120. Credit not granted this course and CHEM 4411/5411.
3.00 Credits
Covers kinetic theory of gases; chemical equilibrium; electrochemistry; chemical kinetics; quantum mechanics and atomic structure; chemical bonding; spectroscopy; statistical mechanics; the solid state; the liquid state; and surface chemistry. Prereq., CHEN 1211 and CHEM 1221 or CHEM 1111/1131, MATH 2400 or APPM 2350, and PHYS 1110 (min grade C- required in all) or instructor consent. Coreq., PHYS 1120.
3.00 Credits
Lect. Introduces the quantum theory of atoms, molecules and chemical bonding, and statistical thermodynamics. Includes principles of quantum mechanics and their application to atomic structure, molecular spectroscopy, symmetry properties, and the determination of molecular structure. Also includes principles of statistical mechanics and their applications to properties of gases, liquids, and solids. Prereqs., CHEM 4511 or 4411 and PHYS 1120 or 2020 (min grade C-). Credit not granted for this course and CHEM 4431 or 5431.
2.00 Credits
One lect. and one 3-hour lab per week. Instruction in experimental techniques of modern physical chemistry. Experiments are chosen to illustrate the principles of thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, quantum chemistry, and spectroscopy discussed in CHEM 4521. Prereq. or coreq., CHEM 4521 or 4531.
1.00 Credits
One 3-hour lab per week. Instruction in experimental techniques of modern physical chemistry. Experiments illustrate the fundamental principles of thermodynamics and chemical kinetics. Illustrates the material discussed in CHEM 4511. Prereq. CHEM 4411 or 4511 (min grade C-) or instructor consent. Restricted to CHEM and BCHM majors. Credit not granted for this course and CHEM 4561.
2.00 Credits
One lect. and one 3-hour laboratory every two weeks. A continuation of CHEM 4581, but may be taken concurrently with CHEM 4531 or CHEM 4431. Experiments illustrate the principles of quantum chemistry and spectroscopy discussed in CHEM 4531. Prereq., CHEM 4411 or 4511 and CHEM 4581. Prereq. or coreq., CHEM 4431 or 4531. Restricted to CHEM and BCHM majors. Credit not granted for this course and CHEM 4561.
3.00 Credits
One-semester survey of the main themes of modern biochemistry: biomolecular structure/function, metabolism, biosynthesis, DNA from genome to proteome, and cellular signaling. For biology and engineering majors and others wanting a survey of biochemistry. Prereq., one semester of organic chemistry (CHEM 3311, 3351, or equivalent; min grade C-).
3.00 Credits
Lect. Topics include structure, conformation, and properties of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and membranes; enzyme mechanisms, kinetics, and regulation; intermediary metabolism; energetics and metabolic control; electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation. Prereq., CHEM 3331 or 3371 (min grade C-). Same as CHEM 5711.
3.00 Credits
Lect. Continuation of CHEM 4711. Metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, and nucleic acids; photosynthesis; biosynthesis and function of macromolecules including DNA, RNA, and proteins; biochemistry of subcellular systems; and special topics. Prereq., CHEM 4711 (min grade C-). Same as CHEM 5731.
3.00 Credits
Covers current topics in modern biochemical research through lectures, reading recent research articles, critical thinking, and class discussion. Topics include protein and nucleic acid structure and function, biomolecular interactions, enzyme function, and cellular signaling and regulation. Prereqs., CHEM 4711 and 4731 (min grade C-) or instructor consent. Same as CHEM 5751. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: critical thinking.
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