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3.00 Credits
Explores theories of the large-scale, wind-driven, and thermohaline circulations in the oceans, and models of boundary currents, western intensification, ventilation, equatorial surface and undercurrents, ocean waves, and eddies. Prereqs., ATOC 5400 and 5060, or equivalent.
3.00 Credits
Reviews basic kinetics and photochemistry of atmospheric species and stratospheric chemistry with emphasis on processes controlling ozone abundance. Tropospheric chemistry focusing on photochemical smog, acid deposition, oxidation capacity of the atmosphere, and global climatechange. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent. ATOC graduate core course. Same as CHEM 5151.
3.00 Credits
Same as ATOC 4215 and ASEN 5215.
3.00 Credits
Explores conservative systems: canonical perturbation theory, adiabatic invariants, surface of section, overlap criterion, orbit stability, quasilinear diffusion, renormalization analysis of transition to chaos, and bifurcation theory: center manifolds, normal forms, singularity theory. Dissipative systems: strange attractors, renormalization analysis of period doubling, intermittency. Prereq., PHYS 5210 or instructor consent. Same as PHYS 5220.
3.00 Credits
Examines fundamentals of radiative transfer and remote sensing with primary emphasis on the Earth's atmosphere; emission, absorption and scattering by molecules and particles; multiple scattering; polarization; radiometry and photometry; principles of inversion theory; extinction- and emission-based passive remote sensing; principles of active remote sensing; lidar and radar; additional applications such as the greenhouse effect and Earth's radiative energy budget. ATOC graduate core course. Same as ASEN 5235.
3.00 Credits
Covers equations of fluid motion relevant to planetary atmospheres and oceans, and stellar atmospheres; effects of rotation and viscosity; and vorticity dynamics, boundary layers, and wave motions. Introduces instability theory, nonlinear equilibration, and computational methods in fluid dynamics. Prereq., partial differential equations or equivalent. Same as ASTR 5400.
3.00 Credits
Nonlinear waves and instabilities; wave-mean and wave-wave interactions, resonant triads; secondary instability and transition to turbulence; diagnosis, modeling, and parameterization of turbulent flows in geophysics and astrophysics. Prereq., ASTR 5120, ATOC 5060, or 5400. Same as ASTR 5410.
3.00 Credits
Applied mathematics course; provides necessary analytical background for courses in plasma physics, fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, and radiative transfer. Covers integration techniques, linear and nonlinear differential equations, WKB and Fourier transform methods, adiabatic invariants, partial differential equations, integral equations, and integrodifferential equations. Same as ASTR 5540.
3.00 Credits
Application of radiative transfer theory to problems in planetary atmospheres, with primary emphasis on the Earth's atmosphere; principles of atomic and molecular spectroscopy; infrared band representation; absorption and emission of atmospheric gases; radiation flux and flux divergence computations; radiative transfer and fluid motions; additional applications such as the greenhouse effect, inversion methods and climate models. Recommended prereq., ATOC 5235. Same as ASTR 5560.
3.00 Credits
Clouds and aerosols are ubiquitous in planetary atmospheres, where they impact climate, atmospheric chemistry, remote sensing, and weather. Applies basic microphysical, radiative, and chemical processes affecting particles to issues in current literature. ATOC graduate core course.
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