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3.00 Credits
Investigates the use of digital art in various contexts including digital narrative, web publishing, Internet art, multimedia performance, animation, conceptual art, information art, sound art, language art, and network installations. Prereqs., ARTS 2126 and 4316/5316 or instructor consent. Same as ARTS 5176. Formerly FINE 4176.
3.00 Credits
Offered through summer study abroad program only. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Digital camera and working knowledge of its operating system is required. A lap top computer, Photoshop software, and ability to work in a developing nation are recommended. Same as ARTS 5191.
3.00 Credits
Offers an in-depth exploration of digital imaging in the context of the history, aesthetics, and tradition of photography as contemporary art. Emphasis is on digital manipulation, output, and individual growth and development. Prereq., ARTS 2191 or advanced standing in photography or media arts. Same as ARTS 5196. Formerly FINE 4196.
3.00 Credits
Continuation of Painting 3. Advanced studio class in painting for creative expression and individual portfolio development. Emphasis varies by semester; contact individual instructor for more information. May be repeated up to 12 total credit hours. Prereq., ARTS 3202. Formerly FINE 4202.
3.00 Credits
Explores advanced techniques and concepts of digital image-making. Emphasizes the creative application of computer imaging in the production of visual art through individual projects. Prereq., ARTS 4126. Restricted to junior or senior ARTS or ARTH majors. Same as ARTS 5226. Formerly FINE 4226.
3.00 Credits
Continuation of electronic arts survey. Explores the development of video as an art form. Prerequisite for further studies in video production. Same as ARTS 5236. Formerly FINE 4236.
3.00 Credits
Presents a studio course on basic single camera video production strategies and concepts. Through class screenings, projects, demonstrations, discussions, and readings, students gain an introductory familiarity with camera, lighting, sound, editing and the organization and planning involved in a video project. Explores a basic theoretical understanding of video as an art form and its relationship to television, film, art, history, culture. Prereqs., ARTS 1010, 1020 and ARTH 1300 or 1400 or instructor consent. Same as ARTS 5246. Formerly FINE 4246.
3.00 Credits
Explores the history and theory of digital art. Discussion topics include the emergence of Internet art, hypertext, new media theory, online exhibitions, web publishing, virtual reality, and the networked interface. Includes collaborative and individual projects. Prereq., ARTS 2126 or instructor consent. Same as ARTS 5316. Formerly FINE 4316.
3.00 Credits
Continuation of beginning video production. Extends the knowledge of single camera video production strategies and concepts. Expands the concept of montage (editing) and strategies to develop a video project through class screenings, projects, discussions, and readings. Furthers theoretical understanding of video as an art form. Prereq., ARTS 4246 or instructor consent. Same as ARTS 5346. Formerly FINE 4346.
3.00 Credits
Continues the study and experimentation of intaglio and relief processes in black and white, color, digital imagery, and nontoxic processes as much as possible. May be repeated up to 12 total credit hours. Prereq., ARTS 3403. Taught with ARTS 3403/5403. Formerly FINE 4403.
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