Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Examines mental health issues of women by focusing on theories of female personality development. Looks at theory and research pertaining to women and psychopathology and to women as patients in traditional and nontraditional forms of treatment. Prereq., WMST/PSYC 2700 or WMST 2000. Same as PSYC 4700.
3.00 Credits
Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: cultural gender and diversity or critical thinking. Same as ARTH 4769.
3.00 Credits
Provides students with the opportunity to actively reflect on their education and to complete a research project that incorporates an interdisciplinary and feminist approach to the study of gender, class, race, ethnicity, and sexuality. Offered each spring. Prereq., WMST 3020. Restricted to senior WMST majors.
1.00 - 6.00 Credits
May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours.
3.00 Credits
For qualified WMST majors working on the research phase of departmental honors. Prereq., junior/senior standing and 3.30 overall GPA.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Qualified women's studies majors may write an honors thesis, an in-depth research paper, on a topic of choice. Thesis hours available to majors only after successfully completing the research phase.
3.00 Credits
Begins with a reconsideration of the 19th century antecedents of contemporary Anglophone feminist theory, but primary focus on debates of the last 25 years. Theme throughout is gender, how gender should be understood, and how it interrelates with our understandings of class, race, embodiment, sexuality, and knowledge. Required for WMST graduate certificate. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.
3.00 Credits
Explores themes that emerge in research across a range of disciplines. They include experience and interpretation, the social position of the researcher, language and argument structure, knowledge and power, bias and objectivity, and the ethics and politics of research. Required for WMST graduate certificate.
4.00 Credits
Extended version of WRTG 1150 that carries an additional hour of credit and is intended for students desiring more preparation and practice in college writing. Meets the same goals as WRTG 1150. Features required out-of-class work in the Writing Center. Focuses on critical analysis, argument, inquiry, and information literacy. Taught as a writing workshop, the course places a premium on invention, drafting, and thoughtful revision. For placement criteria, see the Arts and Sciences Advising office. May be repeated up to 8 total credit hours. Meets MAPS requirement for English. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: written communication.
3.00 Credits
Rhetorically informed introduction to college writing. Focuses on critical analysis, argument, inquiry, and information literacy. Taught as a writing workshop, the course places a premium on invention, drafting, and thoughtful revision. For placement criteria, see the arts and sciences advising office. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Meets MAPS requirement for English. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: written communication.
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