Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Examines ways Latin American women have engaged in politics and their participation in social movements, war, peace processes and elections. Focuses on why women "do politics" in certain ways, the role of the State in women's politics, the (dis)advantages of various political strategies, and how political, economic and social changes have affected women's political opportunities and interests. Prereq., WMST 2000 or instructor consent. Recommended prereqs., WMST 2400, 2600, 3600 or 3730. Restricted to juniors/seniors. Same as PSCI 3052.
3.00 Credits
Explores women's involvement in the United States, in international peace, feminist, and civil rights movements of the 19th and 20th centuries. Teaches research methods by using a variety of primary and secondary sources and writing an original research paper. Prereq., WMST 2000 or HIST 1015 or 1025. Same as HIST 3656. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: critical thinking.
3.00 Credits
Critical examination of immigrant women's participation in the global economy. Focuses on the relationship between larger social forces and the role of women in migration and the labor force. Emphasis on Latinas and Asian immigrant women. Restricted to juniors/seniors or instructor consent. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: cultural and gender diversity.
3.00 Credits
Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: cultural and gender diversity. Same as GEOG 3672.
3.00 Credits
Examines selected topics in women, gender, and sexuality in the US context. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours for different topics. Prereq., WMST 2000 or 2600.
3.00 Credits
Content varies by semester and reflects relevant issues in global feminist scholarship. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., WMST 2000 or 2600. Restricted to sophomores/juniors/seniors.
3.00 Credits
Examines the history, characteristics, problems, status and role of Third World women in development itself. Includes the interrelationships between development and population growth, transnational economics, migration, education, agriculture, health, urbanization, development policy and planning, and their impact on women and men in urban and rural areas in Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia, and Melanesia. Prereq., WMST 2000 or 2600. Restricted to juniors/seniors.
3.00 Credits
Offers expository writing and training in analytical and descriptive skills, structures or argument, critical thinking, the rhetoric of persuasion, and the development of a personal voice. Readings and papers focus on basic issues in gender studies. Prereq., WMST 2000. Restricted to juniors/seniors. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: written communication.
3.00 Credits
Drawing from work produced by and about Asian American women, examines historical and contemporary issues including representation of Asian American women, identity politics, feminism, coalition building, and activism for social change. Prereq., WMST 2000 or 2600 or ETHN 2004. Restricted to sophomores/juniors/ seniors. Same as ETHN 3905. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: United States Context.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Under faculty supervision, students participate in a service learning project correlated with the academic subject. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.
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