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3.00 Credits
Examines women's issues related to Islam and contemporary Muslim culture including the role and rights of women in Islam, the perception of women in Islam, the historical and literary images of women compared to their actual lived experiences, and the changing discourse in Muslim communities on the construction of gender identities. Prereq., WMST 2000, 2050 or 2600.
3.00 Credits
Same as ENGL 3267.
3.00 Credits
Explores the role of women in the legal system by looking at women as jurors, witnesses, law students, lawyers, law professors, and judges. Two areas of the law are examined that impact women in particular: divorce and sexual assault. Prereq., WMST 2000. Same as PSCI 3301.
3.00 Credits
Students gain knowledge and skills that enable them to become effective organizers and facilitators of community goals. Focuses on understanding the processes of community building and fostering grass-roots democracy with a multicultural emphasis. Students are encouraged to apply concepts to life experiences and to examine themselves as potential change agents. Theory and summer experience are integrated. Same as INVS 3302.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on aspects of the victimization of women and girls that are "gendered" - namely, sexual abuse and intimate partner abuse. Also explores the importance of race, class, and sexuality in gendered violence. Prereq., WMST 2000. Same as SOCY 3314.
3.00 Credits
Explores the relationship among gender, culture, and personality. Brings together the disciplines of psychology and sociology in the study of gender and personality formation through investigation of psychoanalytic theory and the social environment. Prereqs., WMST 2000 or 2700, and junior or senior standing.
3.00 Credits
Introduces global gender issues, such as the gendered division of labor in the global economy, migration, women's human rights, environmental issues, gender violence in war, women in the military, nationalism and feminism, and the representation of the Third World in the United States. Offers students the opportunity to broaden their perspectives beyond the borders of the United States. Prereq., WMST 2000, 2050 or 2600. Restricted to sophomores/juniors/seniors.
3.00 Credits
Explores the social, economic, political, historical, and cultural role of African American women from an interdisciplinary perspective. Special emphasis is placed on African American women's rich oral and literary tradition. Prereq., WMST 2000 or ETHN 2002. Restricted to sophomores/juniors/seniors. Same as ETHN 3502.
3.00 Credits
Drawing from work produced by and about Latinas, discusses the social and cultural construction of race and ethnicity, the function of nationalism, the politics of migration and citizenship, Latina literary production and theory, historiographical trends, Latina feminist theory, activism and the academy, and Latina/o political organizing. Prereq., WMST 2000 or 2600.
3.00 Credits
Taught in English. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: cultural and gender diversity. Same as GRMN 3601.
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