Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Theory and practice of directing for the stage. Prereqs., THTR 1003 or 2003; THTR 1105 and 1115, and two semesters of THTR 3035. May not be taken concurrently with THTR 3035.
3.00 Credits
Prepares students for the demands of the acting profession. Trains students in various audition techniques including general auditions, prepared auditions, cold readings, on-camera auditions, and commercial auditions. Shows how to prepare and perfect audition material in a professional and exemplary way. Discusses agents, casting directors, and the process of becoming a professional actor.
3.00 Credits
Explores theories underlying the "feminine voice," varied perspectives in prose and poetry, ways of embodying these voices and perspectives in performance forms, and ultimately the students' own voices through creation of autobiographical performance pieces (some to be presented for student audiences). Open to both men and women. Prereq., instructor consent. Same as WMST 4073.
3.00 Credits
Intellectual and conceptual capstone course for departmental majors with separate sections for theatre and dance students. Course promotes integration of ideas regarding history, criticism, and theory in performance and production. All inquiry throughout the semester relates to the theme of creative process. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: critical thinking.
3.00 Credits
Concentrates on theory and practice of management aspects of the performing arts, emphasizing theatre and dance. Includes marketing, budgeting, house and stage management, audience development, grant writing, unions, and season development. Includes practical experience. Prereqs., THTR 1105 and 1115. Credit not granted for this course and THTR 3065. Same as THTR 5085.
3.00 Credits
Interdisciplinary course explores different aspects of the reign of Elizabeth I: social and political history; literature; theater; and music. Explores the role and impact of a female ruler on English culture. Restricted to juniors and seniors. Same as ENGL 4583 and HIST 4134.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Intensive study of specialized topics in theatre technology and design. Topics and credits specified in the online Schedule Planner. May be repeated up to 12 total credit hours within a term.
3.00 Credits
Introduces fundamental tools of acting for the camera. Students learn basic film terminology, specific camera acting techniques, and the demands placed on an actor when shooting a film. Uses exercises, scenes, monologues, and readings to provide a solid understanding of how to create a character, analyze a text, utilize important vocabulary, and perform effectively on camera. Prereq., THTR 1003 or 2003 or instructor consent.
3.00 Credits
Examines the process of and technology for producing theatrical scenery on a limited production timeline. Prereq., THTR 3035. Recommended prereq., THTR 3015 or 3055.
3.00 Credits
An advanced theatre design course that emphasizes the collaborative process and advanced design presentation methods. Course work includes completion of several "mock" design projects, with students often working in collaborative teams. Prereq., THTR 3005 or 3015 or 3055 or 3075, or instructor consent.
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