Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Covers demand forecasting, capacity management, scheduling, inventory planning and management, production planning and control, materials requirements planning, just-in-time production systems, product design and process selection, elements of statistical process control, service operations, and quantitative techniques for operations decision making. Similar to EMEN 5500.
3.00 Credits
Offered irregularly to provide opportunity for investigation into new frontiers in systems. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.
3.00 Credits
Introduces the concepts of simulation modeling. Provides practical experience with real examples using popular commercial simulation packages such as Arena or Extend. Emphasizes discrete-event simulation but also covers topics in Monte Carlo simulation and system dynamics. Practical examples from operations management, manufacturing, and services are used to give students an appreciation for the wide scope of application and the robust nature of simulation modeling in the context of decision making.
3.00 Credits
Covers the modeling and solution of discrete problems that arise in business and engineering. Classical techniques such as cutting planes and branch and bound are covered. Emphasizes the application of metaheuristic procedures, such as tabu search and evolutionary approaches, to the solution of practical combinatorial optimization problems.
3.00 Credits
Covers concepts, models, and solution techniques relevant to the management of the processes required to provide goods or services to consumers. Emphasizes supply chain systems topics such as production, inventory, distribution, and scheduling. Management science and operations research methodology is also applied to problems such as facility capacity planning, facility design, and location analysis.
3.00 Credits
Provides systems doctoral students with an orientation to current research and the academic discipline in operations and information systems. Familiarizes students with key schools of thought in the field, provides background on reference disciplines, examines significant research streams, and helps students begin developing their own area of interest.
3.00 Credits
Examines foundations of information systems research, including classic readings in information systems and its reference disciplines, different research approaches, processes of research, and classic and contemporary readings in major topics in information systems. Prereq., PhD standing or instructor consent.
3.00 Credits
Examines in depth a selection of topics in technical areas of information systems. Includes theoretical perspectives for technical topics, critical perspectives on past and current research, appropriate methods for examining technical topics, and development of students' ability to identify and develop research topics in technical areas. Prereq., PhD standing or instructor consent.
3.00 Credits
Covers both basic and advanced topics. Develops skill in designing, evaluating, and understanding both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Includes the development of research proposals, making and justifying methodological choices, writing research reports, and understanding how to publish in information systems. Prereq., PhD standing or instructor consent.
3.00 Credits
Examines advanced topics in information systems research, focusing on the electronic era and eBusiness. Examines foundations of eBusiness, including basic technical, organizational, and behavioral foundations. Covers leading edge research from both topical and methodological perspectives. Focuses on methods appropriate for studying eBusiness and examines future research directions. Prereq., PhD standing or instructor consent.
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