Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Presents contemporary perspectives on relations between population and society. Focuses on mortality, fertility, and migration, the major demographic areas, with reviews of specific demographic phenomena and controversies. Formerly SOCY 5012.
3.00 Credits
Covers diverse specializations of faculty in the area of sex and gender. See current departmental announcements or online Schedule Planner for specific content. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours for different topics. Formerly SOCY 5016.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on the structural forces affecting environmental degradation and environmental behavior by examining the relationships between A) inequality and democratic decision making and B) undemocratic economic and political decision making, U.S. and corporate food and energy policy; and global environmental degradation. Focus will also be placed on the role that global inequality plays in fostering environmental degradation. Prereq., graduate standing. Formerly SOCY 5137.
3.00 Credits
Introduces research on globalization and democratization from an interdisciplinary perspective. Examines ongoing interdisciplinary research on the global political economy. Students learn about ongoing research, critique current efforts, and design their own research project. Prereq., graduate standing in PSCI, ECON, GEOG, or SOCY. Same as PSCI 7333, GEOG 5332, and ECON 8333.
3.00 Credits
Explores "the cultural turn" in sociology and related disciplines. Reviews basic themes in cultural studies--e.g., distinguishing "cultural" and "social"; narrative as catalyst between symbols and practices; cultural production processes; self as embodied; culture and power; methods and epistemological issues. Students present their own projects in class and as research papers. Prereq., graduate standing. Formerly SOCY 5041.
3.00 Credits
Analyzes recent Marxist theories of class structure, exploitation, political economy, alienation, culture, and the state as discussed in the work of Althusser, Gramsci, Lukacs, Mandel, Marcuse, Roemer, and others. Prereq., graduate standing. Formerly SOCY 5061.
3.00 Credits
Introduces students to mainstream multivariate regression techniques used in the social sciences. The majority of the course focuses on the Ordinary Least Square model and on the extension of this model to nominal, ordinal, and count dependent variables. Students will analyze data of their choosing with statistical software packages including SPSS, SAS, and STATA. Prereq., SOCY 5111 or equivalent.
3.00 Credits
Training in the systematic observation of people in situations, finding them where they are, staying with them in a role acceptable to them that allows intimate observations of behavior. Students report their findings in ways useful to social science but not harmful to those observed. Formerly SOCY 5121.
1.00 Credits
Introduces first-year graduate students to the full range of substantive topics, research programs, and other projects in which graduate sociology faculty are engaged. Provides a forum in which issues of the discipline are presented and discussed. Features weekly presentations by graduate sociology faculty. May be repeated up to 2 total credit hours. Restricted to graduate students.
1.00 Credits
Offers guidance and instruction on topics related to advanced graduate study and academic life beyond graduation. Discussions will include writing journal articles; creating a vitae; writing dissertations; applying for grants and other sources of funding; the academic job search; and what to expect as a junior faculty member. Restricted to graduate students.
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