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3.00 Credits
Studies status and power differences between the sexes at individual, group, and societal levels. Examines empirically established sex differences, and reviews biological, psychological, and sociological explanations for gender differences. Prereqs., SOCY 1016 or WMST 2000. Restricted to junior/senior SOCY majors. Same as WMST 4016.
3.00 Credits
Examines the role of non-human animals in human society. Investigates the social construction of the human/animal boundary. Challenges ideas that animals are neither thinking nor feeling. Examines the many ways humans rely on animals. Considers the link between animal cruelty and other violence. Explores the moral status of animals. Prereq., SOCY 1001.
3.00 Credits
Explores conflict resolution theory and method as applied to interpersonal, intergroup, and interorganization conflict. Prereqs., SOCY 1001, and SOCY 3001 or 3011.
3.00 Credits
Examines sociological causes and consequences of different levels of fertility, mortality, and population growth. Emphasizes methods, theory, policy, and practical applications.
3.00 Credits
Examines the history, incidence and prevalence of delinquent behavior, as well as why children become involved in criminal activity. Prereq., SOCY 1001 or 1004. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: contemporary societies.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on the structural forces affecting environmental degradation and environmental behavior by examining the relationships between (a) inequality and democratic decision making and (b) undemocratic decision making; U.S. and corporate food and energy policy; and global environmental degradation. The course also focuses on the role that global inequality plays in fostering environmental degradation. Restricted to juniors/seniors. Same as ENVS 4027.
3.00 Credits
Studies individuals in social context. Reviews philosophical and sociological treatments of the relation between the individual and society. More specific topics include the socialization process, theories of human development and personality formation, language acquisition, conformity, aggression, sex differences in personality and gender identity, and the relation between attitudes and overt behavior. Prereqs., SOCY 1001, and SOCY 3001 or 3011. Restricted to junior/senior SOCY majors.
3.00 Credits
Explores the societal dimensions of hazards and disasters, emphasizing disaster theory and research, key issues in the sociological study of disasters, social vulnerability, the impacts of disasters in the U.S. and worldwide, and the U.S. Emergency Management System. Prereq., SOCY 2077. Same as SOCY 5037.
3.00 Credits
Experimental approach to the creative process that fosters experimentation outside of conventional patterns of thinking and expression, and explores the use of imagination and creative thinking in problem solving, writing, and art. Prereqs., SOCY 1001, and SOCY 3001 or 3011, or instructor consent. Restricted to junior/senior SOCY majors. Same as INVS 4041.
3.00 Credits
Variety of courses taught by visiting and regular faculty. See current departmental announcements for specific content. May be repeated up to 9 credit hours for different topics.
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