Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Continuation of SOCY 3001. In-depth study of modern and post-modern theories of the 20th century, including structural-functionalist, conflict, symbolic interactionist, feminist, and world system theories. Prereq., SOCY 1001. Restricted to junior/senior SOCY majors.
3.00 Credits
Investigates the status of women and fertility in context of social and economic development. Prereqs., SOCY 1001, and SOCY 3001 or 3011. Restricted to junior/senior SOCY majors. Same as WMST 3012. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: cultural and gender diversity.
3.00 Credits
Comparative and historical examination of marriage and the family within the U.S. Emphasizes changing family roles and family structures. Also considers alternatives to the nuclear family and traditional marriage exploring new definitions of family. Prereqs., SOCY 1001, and SOCY 3001 or 3011. Restricted to junior/senior SOCY majors. Same as WMST 3016. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: United States context.
3.00 Credits
Critically explores the Chicana experience and identity. Examines issues arising from the intersection of class, race, and gender. Focuses on controversies surrounding culture and gender through an analysis of feminism and feminismo. Prereqs., SOCY 1001 and SOCY 3001 or 3011. Restricted to junior/ senior SOCY majors. Same as ETHN 3026.
3.00 Credits
What counts as violence? Who decides what is violence and what is not? In what contexts does violence occur? This course critically examines different criminological and social science perspectives on violence. Prereq., SOCY 1001 or 1004.
3.00 Credits
Explores human development from a psychosocial perspective, focusing on the interplay between psychological patterns and social forms. Issues such as self-image and social consciousness are studied within the larger context of individual and collective forces leading to transformation. Prereqs., SOCY 1001, and 3001 or 3011, or instructor consent. Restricted to junior/senior SOCY majors. Same as INVS 3041.
3.00 Credits
A variety of courses in population and/or health will be taught, usually by visiting lecturers. See current departmental announcements for specific content. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours for different topics. Prereq., SOCY 1001.
3.00 Credits
Overview of race, class, gender, and ethnicity issues in offending, victimization, and processing by the justice system. Examines women and people of color employed in the justice system. Prereq., SOCY 1001 or 1004. Same as WMST 3044.
3.00 Credits
Faculty present courses based on their area of expertise and specialization in the field of sex and gender. Students should check current sociology department notices of course offerings for specific topics. Students may receive credit for this course up to three times for different topics. Prereqs., SOCY 1001, and SOCY 3001 or 3011. Restricted to junior/ senior SOCY majors. Same as WMST 3046.
3.00 Credits
Considers theory and research about American social movements. Emphasizes leadership, ideology, recruitment, strategy, organizational dynamics, public response, and reasons for success or failure. Prereqs., SOCY 1001, and SOCY 3001 or 3011. Restricted to junior/senior SOCY majors.
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