Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Provides a basic understanding of the structural organization (anatomy), function (physiology), and neural controls of the structures used to produce speech, swallowing, respiration, and related behaviors in humans. Prereq., SLHS 2010.
3.00 Credits
Examines perceptions and attitudes regarding differences in communication as a function of cultural-linguistic diversity. Discusses implications of differing verbal and nonverbal communication styles of various cultural groups in terms of professional responsibilities. Prereq., upper-division standing and a minimum of 60 credit hours. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: critical thinking.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Studies selected topics in speech, language, hearing sciences, communication disorders, and other professional issues.
3.00 Credits
Language disorders can result from problems with cognitive, linguistic, and/or discourse processing. The theoretical framework of language dysfunction is addressed while drawing upon real clinical examples of language disorders that have been observed in children and adults. Prereq., SLHS 4560.
3.00 Credits
Emphasizes stuttering, clefting, voice disorders, and motor disorders. Discusses research, evaluation, and treatment pertaining to each of these four disorder areas. Prereq., SLHS 3136.
3.00 Credits
Covers the development of language in childhood and into adult life, emphasizing the role of environment and biological endowment in learning to communicate with words, sentences, and narratives. Prereqs. or coreqs., PSYC 1001, LING 2000. Same as LING 4560, PSYC 4560.
3.00 Credits
Studies basic principles and techniques of hearing evaluation, including pure-tone, speech, immittance, and advanced audiometry; hearing conservation in hospital, school, and industrial settings; and identification and evaluation of auditory pathologies. Required projects in screening and pure-tone audiometry. Prereq., SLHS 3136.
3.00 Credits
Covers basic principles and techniques related to the habilitation and rehabilitation of individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing: amplification, speech, language, auditory, speech reading, and educational issues. Prereq., SLHS 4704.
1.00 - 4.00 Credits
May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Prereq., departmental consent.
2.00 Credits
Introduces students to the clinical processes and key components of assessment and interventions. Explores the applications of the theoretical and scientific information to clinical settings. Students complete supervised observation of individuals with communication challenges. Restricted to juniors/seniors.
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