Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Introduces Islamic beliefs and practices through an examination of the Qur'an, Muhammad's life, ritual duties, law and theology, mysticism, and social institutions.
3.00 Credits
Studies classical Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Neo-Confucianism within the historical context of Chinese culture.
3.00 Credits
Intensive study of a selected area or problem in religious studies. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours as topics change.
3.00 Credits
Offered each fall semester. Surveys basic approaches to the study of religion. Students read and respond to seminal works in religious studies selected by faculty members, who visit class for discussions. Students also visit several religious communities in the Boulder/Denver region. Restricted to and required for junior and senior RLST majors.
3.00 Credits
A critical examination of the received cultural, religious, and academic understandings of dancing and the body; the construction of a richer theory of dancing that will more adequately support comparative studies; the study of dancing in cultures and religions in a diverse representation of cultures; and a more in depth social study of Latin American dancing including actual dancing experience.
3.00 Credits
Studies Christian origins, treatment of the historical person of Jesus, and theological perspectives of the New Testament. Emphasizes methodology, e.g., textual criticism, literary criticism, and form criticism. Variable topics include synoptic gospels, John, and Pauline writing. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours as topics change. Prereq., 6 credit hours of RLST courses at any level or instructor consent. Same as RLST 5020.
3.00 Credits
Studies various religious movements in the U.S. and other parts of the Americas. Includes American religion and religions, religion and nationalism, revitalization and religion, and Asian religions in America. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours within a term as topics change. Prereq., 6 hours RLST or instructor consent. Same as RLST 5030.
3.00 Credits
Studies a particular topic in Christian theology and culture such as early Christianity, medieval Christianity, Christianity in the United States, women and Christianity, liberation theologies, Christianity and literature, and modern Christian thought. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours as topics change. Prereqs., 6 hours of RLST courses at any level or instructor consent. Same as RLST 5050.
3.00 Credits
Examines in depth central themes, schools of thought, and movements in Hinduism, such as myth and ritual, renunciation, Vedanta, and 19th century Renaissance. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours as topics change. Prereqs., 6 hours of RLST courses at any level or instructor consent. Same as RLST 5200.
3.00 Credits
Examines in depth central themes, schools of thought, and movements in Buddhism, such as Theravada in Southeast Asia, Mahayana and Tantrayana thought, Zen, and Buddhism in America. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours as topics change. Prereqs., 6 hours of RLST courses at any level including RLST 3300 or instructor consent. Same as RLST 5250.
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