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3.00 Credits
Combines seminar discussion and site visits in Rome and Tivoli to understand the excavations at the Villa of Maxentius and its artifacts in the broader contexts of Roman architectural development, late Roman art, and late imperial Roman history. Offered abroad only. Must be taken concurrently with CLAS/ARTH 4209 or CLAS 5209. Recommended prereqs., CLAS/ARTH 1509, 3049. Same as CLAS 4219.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on Michelangelo's long career, marked by outstanding achievements in sculpture, painting, architecture, and poetry. Emphasizes his projects and achievements in light of 16th century artistic theory, including relationships to his contemporaries in the arts and literature. Prereq., one 3000-level art history course. Same as ARTH 5279. Formerly FINE 4279.
3.00 Credits
Surveys painting and sculpture in England and France from the last quarter of the 18th century through the first half of the 19th century. Prereq., one 3000-level art history course. Same as ARTH 5309. Formerly FINE 4309.
3.00 Credits
Surveys the major movements in painting in France and England from the Revolution of 1830 to the impressionist crisis of 1886. Emphasizes and discusses painting and major expressions in sculpture and architecture. Same as ARTH 5319. Formerly FINE 4319.
3.00 Credits
Provides an in-depth study of the fin de siecle, stressing postimpressionism, art nouveau, and symbolism. Concludes with fauvism in France and the expressionist movement in Germany. Prereq., one 3000-level art history course. Same as ARTH 5329. Formerly FINE 4329. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts.
3.00 Credits
Begins with early Picasso and cubism, including analytic and synthetic cubism and emphasizing the various isms of the 20th century. Also studies Italian futurism, de Stijl and the Bauhaus, dada, and surrealism. Prereq., one 3000-level art history course. Same as ARTH 5339. Formerly FINE 4339.
3.00 Credits
Examines outstanding sculptors in Europe and America from Rodin to the present. Emphasizes American sculpture since World War II. Prereq., one 3000-level art history art history course. Same as ARTH 5359. Formerly FINE 4359.
3.00 Credits
Covers native arts of non-Western peoples of Africa and Oceania, including sculpture, architecture, and minor arts for both archaeological and ethnological cultures. Emphasizes the function of art in society as well as aesthetic analysis. Prereq., one 3000-level art history course. Same as ARTH 5409. Formerly FINE 4409.
3.00 Credits
Surveys arts of the colonies of Spain and Portugal in the Western Hemisphere from 1492 to the present. Prereq., one 3000-level art history course. Same as ARTH 5429. Formerly FINE 4429.
3.00 Credits
Surveys art of North American Indian cultures, including the northwest coast, southwest, southeast, northeast, and plains, covering architecture, sculpture, and minor arts for both archaeological and ethnological cultures. Prereq., one 3000-level art history course. Same as ARTH 5439. Formerly FINE 4439.
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