Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Explores different ways of knowing from interdisciplinary, cross-cultural perspectives. Course begins with personal interrogations of students' primary learning modes. It goes on to examine cultural assumptions about schooling, learning and knowledge, juxtaposing western and eastern philosophies of knowing and looking at how gender, race, class, and other categories of identity shape and interpret concepts of knowledge. Same as NRLN 2000. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: ideals and values.
4.00 Credits
Covers basic concepts of physics and chemistry, taught in the context of Earth and space science. Small class size and emphasis on student investigations, labs and field work, and active learning make this course particularly appropriate for future K--6 teachers. Prereq., two high school science courses (college prep level). Same as GEOL 2110. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science.
3.00 Credits
Covers basic concepts in biology and scientific processes. This course is especially suited for future K--6 teachers. Characteristics of life, genetics, evolution, ecology and the human body are emphasized in a constructivist, student-centered, hands-on format. Prereq., two high school science courses at college-prep level. Recommended prereq., ARSC 2110 or GEOL 2110. Same as MCDB 2115. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science.
3.00 Credits
Overview of paraprofessional counseling. Introduces students to counseling theory and techniques. Students study the philosophy of a liberal arts education as well as policies and requirements of the College of Arts and Sciences.
1.00 Credits
Supplements and strengthens student experiences in organic chemistry. Allows gifted students an opportunity to extend their understanding of the subject and to explore possible careers in science. May be repeated up to 2 total credit hours.
1.00 Credits
Supplements and strengthens student experiences in physics. Allows particularly gifted students an opportunity to extend their understanding of the subjects and to explore possible careers in science. May be repeated up to 2 total credit hours.
3.00 Credits
Teaches students how to write academic papers related to race, class, gender, sexuality, and other areas of cultural identity. Students acquire expertise on issues through readings, guided discussion, and research and practice oral presentation skills, drafting, and workshopping of papers. Prereq., lower level writing course(s) or waiver. Restricted to juniors/seniors. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: written communication.
2.00 - 4.00 Credits
Uses Internet dialogue, computing, and media technology to improve communication and develop research and inquiry skills and critical thinking. Race, class, gender, and sexual orientation issues are addressed to foster understanding of university codes of inquiry and modes of interaction in scholarly communities. Prereq., admission to McNair Program junior standing, minimum GPA of 2.50, and strong interest in graduate school).
3.00 Credits
Guides students through research on diversity and retention issues in graduate education. Participants use Tinto's work on academic and social integration as a conceptual framework. Further, students investigate how specific institutions support diversity goals in their graduate programs. Prereq., admission to McNair program (minimum 2.50 GPA, three recommendation letters, personal statement, strong interest in graduate school).
3.00 - 5.00 Credits
Multidisciplinary course guiding critical thinking as students design a formal investigation. Includes presenting and writing a prospectus. Students revise the prospectus, creating a proposal for funding the research as well as HRC proposals. Prereq., admission to McNair Program (junior standing, minimum GPA of 2.50, and strong interest in graduate school).
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