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1.00 - 6.00 Credits
Offers an academically supervised opportunity for geological sciences majors to work with public or private organizations. Projects are usually associated with students' career goals; each project has an academic emphasis. Prereq., junior standing and completion, with a B or better, of at least two courses for geology majors.
3.00 Credits
Surveys historic and prehistoric natural disasters, their cause, and potential for recurrence. Meteorite impact, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, landslides, floods, magnetic reversals, and major extinction events. Course formerly numbered as GEOL 4950. Prereq., one year science. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science.
4.00 Credits
Examines the ocean as a system influencing the Earth's surficial processes and climate. Composition and properties of seawater, ocean circulation, waves, tides, coastal-, shallow-, and deep-water processes, biogeochemical cycles, deep sea sediments. Laboratory emphasizes the use of oceanographic data. Prereq., one semester chemistry, physics, or geology. Same as GEOL 5060.
3.00 Credits
Analyzes contemporary societal problems involving geoscience. One class period per week is generally devoted to lecture. During class discussions the professor acts as scientific advisor while students debate material they have researched. Prereqs., one year of calculus and one year of natural science (physics, chemistry, biology) or equivalent, or instructor consent. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: critical thinking.
4.00 Credits
Covers acquisition and interpretation of environmental data by remote sensing. Discusses theory and sensors, as well as manual and computerized interpretation methods. Stresses infrared and microwave portions of the spectrum. Same as GEOL 5093 and GEOG 4093.
3.00 Credits
Students are introduced to fundamental geophysics including seismology, geomagnetism, gravity, radiometric dating, and heat flow with applications to plate tectonics and exploration of the subsurface. Prereqs., MATH 1300 and PHYS 1110 and any 1000-level sequence in geological sciences; GEOL 3120 recommended.
3.00 Credits
Covers fundamentals of biogeochemical cycling, emphasizing water, carbon, and nutrient dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems; chemical interactions of atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere; and natural and human-managed environments. Prereqs., GEOL 3320 or EBIO 3270, and CHEM 1011 or higher. Same as ENVS 4160 and EBIO 4160.
3.00 Credits
Covers topics in crystal chemistry of major rock-forming mineral groups, specifically reactions, transformations, deformations, and geothermometry and geobarometry based on inter- and intracrystalline element distributions in these major mineral groups. Prereq., GEOL 4100 or 5100. Same as GEOL 5200.
4.00 Credits
Studies weathering, mass-wasting, fluvial, wind, and marine processes and the resulting landforms. Prereq., GEOG 1011 or any 1000-level sequence in geological sciences. Same as GEOG 4241. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science.
3.00 - 4.00 Credits
Field course emphasizing study of landforms produced by weathering and soils, mass movement, and erosional processes under all climactic and altitudinal conditions. Offered during the summer at the Mountain Research Station. Prereqs., a college course in physical geography or geology, and instructor consent. Same as GEOL 5291 and GEOG 4291.
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