Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Prereq., APPM 3570 or equivalent. Same as APPM 4560.
3.00 Credits
Same as APPM 4570.
3.00 Credits
Continuation of APPM 5570. Prereq., one semester of statistics. Same as APPM 4580.
3.00 Credits
Solution of nonlinear algebraic equations, interpolation, integration, approximation, and numerical linear algebra. Prereq., APPM 3310 or MATH 3130, and experience with a scientific programming language.
3.00 Credits
Numerical linear algebra, eigenvalue problems, optimization problems, and ordinary and partial differential equations. Prereq., APPM 5600 or MATH 5600.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Same as APPM 4720.
3.00 Credits
Emphasizes mathematical theory of statistics. Topics include distribution theory, estimation and testing of hypotheses, multivariate analysis, and nonparametric inference, all with emphasis on theory. Prereq., APPM 5520 or MATH 5520. Same as MATH 6520.
3.00 Credits
Systematic study of Markov chains and some of the simpler Markov processes including renewal theory, limit theorems for Markov chains, branching processes, queuing theory, birth and death processes, and Brownian motion. Applications to physical and biological sciences. Prereqs., MATH 4310, MATH 4510 or APPM 3570, or APPM 4560, or instructor consent. Same as MATH 6550.
3.00 Credits
Covers finite difference, finite element, finite volume, pseudo-spectral, and spectral methods for elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic partial differential equations. Prereq., APPM 5600. Recommended prereq., APPM 5610 or graduate numerical linear algebra.
3.00 Credits
Develops a fundamental understanding of the principles and techniques of the multigrid methodology, which is a widely used numerical approach for solving many problems in such diverse areas as aerodynamics, astrophysics, chemistry, electromagnetics, hydrology, medical imaging, meteorology/oceanography, quantum mechanics, and statistical physics.
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