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4.00 Credits
Introduces ordinary differential equations, systems of linear equations, matrices, determinants, vector spaces, linear transformations, and systems of linear differential equations. Prereq., APPM 1360 or MATH 2300 (min grade C). Credit not granted for this course and both MATH 3130 and 4330, both APPM 3310 and MATH 4330, or APPM 2380.
4.00 Credits
Studies basic concepts of ordinary differential equations and solutions of first order, linear, and systems of differential equations. Advanced topics include series solutions and boundary value problems. Also studies numerical techniques with some laboratory experience. Prereq., APPM 1360 or MATH 2300, with a grade of C- or better. Students may not receive credit for both APPM 2360 and 2380.
1.00 Credits
Selected topics in analytic geometry and calculus with a focus on symbolic computation using Mathematica or Matlab. Coreq., APPM 2350.
1.00 Credits
Selected topics in differential equations and linear algebra with a focus on symbolic computation using Mathematica or Matlab. Coreq., APPM 2360.
1.00 Credits
Selected topics in differential equations with a focus on symbolic computation using Mathematica or Matlab. Coreq., APPM 2380.
4.00 Credits
Preparatory course for Java programming. Provides necessary background for Java language: basic object-oriented concepts, analysis, and design. Learn to create Java applets and applications, create graphic context, and identify the key features of Java foundation classes as well as other Java-related technology. Material is taught in the context of mathematical algorithms from calculus. Prereqs., APPM 1350 and programming experience. Recommended prereq., APPM 1360.
3.00 Credits
Both majors and minors in the physical sciences are introduced to classes of tools useful in the analysis of nonlinear systems. Prereqs., APPM 1360 and 2360.
3.00 Credits
Topics covered include: approximations in computing, computer arithmetic, interpolation, matrix computations, nonlinear equations, optimization, and initial-value problems with emphasis on the computational cost, efficiency, and accuracy of algorithms. The problem sets are application-oriented with examples taken from orbital mechanics, physics, genetics, and fluid dynamics. Prereqs., APPM 1360 and 2360.
3.00 Credits
Emphasizes selected applications of graph theory to computer science, engineering, operations research, social sciences, and biology. Topics include the basic properties of graphs and diagraphs, and their matrix representations. Relates graph properties to applications such as scheduling, architecture of parallel processors, gray codes, traveling salesman problems, and assignment problems. Prereq or coreq., APPM 3310.
3.00 Credits
Introduces linear algebra and matrices, with an emphasis on applications, including methods to solve systems of linear algebraic and linear ordinary differential equations. Discusses computational algorithms that implement these methods. Some applications in operations research may be included as time permits. Credit not granted for this course and MATH 3130. Prereq., APPM 2350.
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